
Building Evacuation

Building evacuations can occur for a variety of reasons including a fire, threat of potential violence, or a suspicious package or person. It is important to do these steps when you encounter these events.


  • Call 911 immediately if you smell smoke or see fire.
  • Activate the fire alarm.
  • Evacuate the building.

In the event of a fire, use the stairwell鈥攏ot the elevator. Do not move through smoke-filled or other hazardous areas. If you see smoke in an elevator, close the door and find another exit route. If you cannot evacuate, go to a room with an exterior window, close all doors and windows, and phone Public Safety to report your location.

Threat of Potential Violence

Bomb Threat 

Most bomb threats are received by phone or by email. Bomb threats are serious until proven otherwise. Act quickly, but remain calm and obtain information using this checklist. 

If a bomb threat is received by phone:

  • Remain calm & do not hang up, keep the caller on the line for as long as possible
  • If possible, signal other staff members to call Public Safety at 1-312-808-6363
  • If the phone has a display, copy the number and/or letters on the display
  • Write down the exact wording of the threat
  • Record the call, if possible
  • Fill out the Bomb Threat Checklist immediately
  • Provide the checklist to Public Safety once complete

If you receive a social media or email threat:

  • Do not turn off the device or log out of the account
  • Leave the message open on the device
  • Take a screenshot, or copy the message and subject line
  • Note the date and time
  • Send Screenshot to Public Safety publicsafety@iit.edu
  • Call Public Safety immediately to inform them of the threat at 1-312-808-6363

If you receive a written threat:

  • Handle the document as little as possible
  • Note the date, time, and location where the document was found
  • Secure the document and do not alter the item in any way
  • Call Public Safety immediately to inform them of the threat at 1-312-808-6363


  • Use two-way radios or cellular phones near a suspicious item
  • Touch or move a suspicious item

Suspicious Package or Person

  • Call Public Safety
  • Do not touch or move a suspicious package
  • Do not engage someone who is behaving suspiciously
  • Evacuate, if directed by Public Safety

Ask the following questions when determining if a package or person is suspicious:

Suspicious Package

  • Is the package in a strange location?
  • Does the package have unusual or excessive tape, string, or wrapping?
  • Is there any odor, sound, or leaking substance coming from the package?
  • Are there misspellings or incorrect information on the label, or does it lack a return address?

Suspicious Person/Behavior

  • Has the person expressed or implied they might harm others or themselves?
  • Do they appear overly interested in sensitive or restricted areas?
  • Are they avoiding contact or interaction with others?
  • Do they seem nervous, anxious, or evasive when approached or questioned?
  • Do they have a weapon?