Architectural Engineering (B.S.)/Structural Engineering (M.ENG.)
ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳’s Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering/Master of Engineering in Structural Engineering accelerated master's program allows students the opportunity to pursue advanced studies and complete both degrees in as few as five years.
Our undergraduate architectural engineering program offers students an opportunity to obtain an engineering education specializing in building architecture, building-system integration, and structural and computer-aided design.
Combined with our graduate program in structural engineering, students will gain the specialized knowledge needed to understand and design the built environment. Students will learn how buildings and bridges may be designed to resist the forces imposed upon them by external loads, gravity, wind, and earthquakes.
Coursework includes bridge and structural design, advanced reinforced concrete, plastic methods, and seismic design of buildings and bridges.
Program Overview
Our undergraduate architectural engineering program combined with graduate studies in structural engineering will provide students with specialized knowledge of how buildings and bridges may be designed to resist the forces imposed upon them by external loads, gravity, wind, and earthquakes.
Career Opportunities
Our Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering/Master of Engineering in Structural Engineering accelerated master's degree program will prepare you for such careers as:
- Structural engineer
- Consulting engineer
- Building contractor
Program requirements are outlined in the undergraduate and graduate course bulletins.
Students applying to the Accelerated Master’s Program must have completed at least 60 credit hours with at least one full semester (12 credit hours) of applicable undergraduate study at the university.
Students must be at least one full-time semester (12 credit hours) away from undergraduate degree completion in order to apply.
Applicants are required to have a minimum GPA of 3.0/4.0; however, please consult individual departments for specific minimum GPA requirements.