The university’s five libraries serve the ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳ community at multiple campuses, providing faculty and students with research support, rapid access to the collections, resources, and study spaces. The collections at ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳ Libraries feature print and e-books, e-journals, newspapers, government documents, and more than 100 online research databases. Librarians have expertise to support a broad range of academic programs and are available for online or in-person research assistance.
ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳’s libraries acquire, organize, preserve, and disseminate knowledge in order to support the research needs of students and faculty.

Paul V. Galvin Library
Located in the heart of Mies Campus, ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳’s main library offers resources and services for faculty, students, and staff, and houses the University Archives and Special Collections. Galvin Library provides research consultations, reservable study rooms, 24-hour services, loans of laptops and Wi-Fi hotspots, and access to full text e-journals and e-books as well as print resources and much more.

Chicago-Kent College of Law Library
Serving Chicago-Kent College of Law and graduate programs in Stuart School of Business, this library, located on ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳’s Conviser Law Center, also contains the Library of International Relations.

Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions Library
Supporting ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳’s Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions, this library collects and maintains materials on practical and professional ethics.

Graham Resource Center
Located in historic S. R. Crown Hall, the Graham Resource Center collection features print and electronic resources for the College of Architecture.

Institute for Food Safety and Health Library
The IFSH Library is located at ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳’s Moffett Campus. It supports IFSH students and faculty, and houses depository materials of the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization.
Online Repository
ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳’s online institutional repository, maintained by Paul V. Galvin Library, is a searchable resource that contains materials including article pre-prints and post-prints, conference presentations, datasets, student theses, items from the University Archives and Special Collections, and more.
The libraries’ staffs and partners have created a wealth of online collections, including rare and unique materials that have been digitized to be viewed by a wide audience, as well as preserved for future generations.
World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893
This online collection contains more than 12,000 illustrations and full-text images from four rare nineteenth-century volumes about the Chicago World’s Fair.
Mies at Graham Resource Center
This exhibit is a guide to the career of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe compiled by the Graham Resource Center, including a comprehensive bibliography of works about the acclaimed architect.
This online repository of reports and documents covers the history of the first century of powered human flight, including the space race in the 1950s and ’60s.
This interdisciplinary database of documents relates to the social and ethical implications of nanotechnology.