

Associate Professor of Computer Science, College of Computing

Research Interests

Approximation algorithms, Combinatorial optimization, Computational geometry, Distributed algorithms, Algorithms and data structures.


  • Approximation Algorithms for Network Design
  • Scheduling in Parallel and Distributed System (as part of )
  • Nash Equilibrium in Network Games
  • Faster Algorithms for Minimum Energy Disjoint Paths in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks


Assistant Professor of Transportation Engineering, Armour College of Engineering

Research Interests

Transportation System Analysis and Network Modeling, Resilience in Interdependent Infrastructure, Sustainable Multimodal Transportation System, Coordinated Driving and Distributed Algorithm Design, Multi-source Data Fusion and Machine Learning, Traffic Flow Theory, Connected Vehicle Systems


  • Dynamic information propagation and aggregation under connected vehicle systems
  • Signal timing optimization for large-scale urban networks
  • Coordinated online vehicle routing and distributed algorithm design
  • Optimal highway lane change and car-following advisory
  • Infrastructure investment decisions in multimodal intercity transportation networks


Associate Professor of Operations Management, Stuart School of Business

Durango-Cohen鈥檚 current research efforts focus on the interface of Marketing and Operations with an emphasis on developing an integrated framework to design and optimize customer segmentation and direct-mail fundraising efforts in not-for-profit institutions. Durango-Cohen is also interested in modeling the effect of capacity on pricing decisions for supply chains with competing National and Store-Brand products.


Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics, College of Computing

Research Interests

Combinatorial group testing, Combinatorial search, Probabilistic methods, Graph theory and random graph models.


  • Design and optimization of group testing protocols for identifying rarely occurring members of biological or chemical samples
  • Error-tolerant combinatorial search with time and query-complexity tradeoffs
  • Modeling shortest-path routing in random geometric graphs


Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics, College of Computing

Kang has worked on various areas in Statistics, including uncertainty quantification, statistical design and analysis of experiments, Bayesian computational statistics, etc. To be more specific, Kang develops theories and implementable algorithms to achieve effective and efficient data collection, data analysis, and optimizations for complex systems in manufacturing, energy, and other engineering fields.


  • Mixture Poisson Model for Bivariate Counting Data
  • Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Qualitative and Quantitative Responses
  • Leverage of Gaussian Process Regression and Sequential Sampling


Professor of Computer Science, College of Computing

Research Interests

Computational economics, Game theory, Mathematical programming, Combinatorial optimization, Computational geometry, Algorithms and data structures.


  • Computation of Market Equilibria.
  • Inefficiency of Nash Equilibrium in Queuing Systems.
  • Computation of Nash Equilibrium in Network Queues.
  • Nash Equilibrium in Network Markets
  • Network Routing Optimization. And Design
  • Geometric Shortest Paths
  • Quadratic Integer Programming Problems
  • Transportation investment decisions under project interdependencies


Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics, College of Computing

Research Interests

Operations research and discrete mathematics including optimization and graph theory, Probabilistic discrete structures and their interdisciplinary applications in computer science (resource allocation and network algorithms), ECE (renewable energy distribution), Civil engineering (transportation networks), Biology (complex systems), etc.


  • Kaufmann NK Model: Analysis of a model for complex discrete systems with interacting components with applications in Biology, Physics and Management Science.
  • Resource Allocation in Transportation Networks under Project Interdependencies
  • Renewable Energy Distribution in a Microgrid: Stochastic Optimization Approach
  • Dynamic Networks and their Temporal scale: with applications to biological and social networks
  • Optimization over Interdependent Networks and its application to Network Restoration after a Natural Disaster
  • Design and Evaluation of Transportation Projects using GIS for Cultural and Social Criteria
  • Performance Analysis of Simultaneous Generalized Hill Climbing Algorithms
  • Discrete Tomography and Degree Sequence Packing in Graphs
  • Markov Chain Monte Carlo for counting problems and their applications
  • Stochastic Selection Problems over Matroids and their algorithms


Professor of Computer Science, College of Computing

Research Interests
Wireless networks, Mobile computing, Big data privacy, Cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things, Game theory for distributed computing, Computational geometry.


  • Localization in Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing
  • Loosely Coupled Networked Control Systems with Disturbances,
  • Providing Predictable Service and Spectrum Access With Real Time Decision in Cognitive Multihop Wireless Networks
  • Big Data Privacy Protection
  • Modeling and Analysis of Radar Spectrum Sharing
  • Algorithm Mechanism Design for Distributed Systems
  • Network Routing Optimization and Design
  • Transportation Routing and Information Propagation


Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics, College of Computing

Research Interests

Graph theory applications including algorithms, modeling, and optimization, Algorithms and complexity in graph drawing and graph coloring.


  • Integer programming solutions for several optimization problems in graph theory
  • Resource Allocation in Transportation Networks under Project Interdependencies
  • Renewable Energy Distribution in a Microgrid: Stochastic Optimization Approach
  • Dynamic Networks and their Temporal scale: with applications to biological and social networks


Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics, College of Computing

Research Interests

Algebraic, geometric and combinatorial methods in statistics including random graph and network modeling, Symbolic computation, Combinatorial method in computational algebra.


  • Randomized algorithms in algebra: violator spaces applied to computational algebra framework - solving systems of polynomial equations
  • Statistical models for random graphs (networks): testing model/data fit
  • Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for sampling from conditional distributions
  • Combinatorial methods in commutative algebra: graphs and hypergraphs and algebraic varieties


Associate Professor of Economics, Stuart School of Business

Research Interests

Microeconomics, Game theory, Industrial organization, Entrepreneurship.


  • Consumer Privacy Protection in Financial Markets ()
  • The Economics of Privacy ()
  • Consumer Privacy in Oligopolistic Markets ()
  • Corporate Support for Employee Entrepreneurs ()
  • Entrepreneurs' Choice between Venture-Capital Firms and Angel Investors ()
  • Startup Accelerators ()
  • Anonymity and User Motivation in Online Rating Platforms ()


Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Computing

Research Interests

Wireless networking, Algorithm design and analysis.


  • A New Paradigm for Multiflow in MC-MR Wireless Networks: Theoretic Foundations And Practical Algorithms
  • Maximizing Network Capacity in Multihop Wireless MIMO Networks
  • Maximizing Capacity in Multi-Channel Multi-Radio Wireless Networks
  • Multicommodity Flows in Multihop Wireless Networks
  • Minimizing Communication Latency with Multiple Channels and Radios in Multihop Wireless Networks
  • Max-Lifetime Sleep Scheduling for Surveillance Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks.
  • Random Geometric graphs and their applications
  • Minimum Latency Communication Schedules for Information Dissemination and Aggregation in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks