Alexander Flueck
- Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ph.D., Cornell University, 1996
M.Eng., EE, Cornell University, 1992
B.S., EE, Cornell University, 1991
Research Interests
Alexander Flueck joined the 老王论坛 faculty in August of 1996. His research interests focus on power system stability and control. He is currently developing robust and efficient computational tools that will assist power engineers in planning and operating large-scale electric power systems, while emphasizing security and competitiveness. The goal of Flueck's research is to numerically compute the safe operating region of electric power systems under varying load/generation levels and facility outage contingencies. Determining the safe operating region of a large-scale power system is computationally demanding, thereby requiring extensive research in numerical methods.
Flueck's teaching interests concentrate on challenging students with hands-on problem solving. Based on his teaching experience, he believes that students only master those skills that they can apply to concrete examples. Therefore, students can expect homework assignments to be heavy on the mental gymnastics. Likewise, the in-depth lab experiments are designed to reinforce the basic fundamentals in electrical and computer engineering.
"Solving the Nonlinear Power Flow Equations with a Newton Process and GMRES," (with H-D. Chiang), 1996 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Atlanta, Georgia, May 1996.
"Look-Ahead Voltage and Load Margin Contingency Selection Functions for Large-Scale Power Systems," (with H-D. Chiang and C-S. Wang), 1996 IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, January 1996, #96 WM 208-9 PWRS.
"Investigating the Installed Real Power Transfer Capability of a Large Scale Power System Under a Proposed Multiarea Interchange Schedule Using CPFLOW," (with H-D. Chiang), 1995 IEEE Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting, Portland, Oregon, July 1995, #95 SM 550-4 PWRS.
"CPFLOW: A Practical Tool for Tracing Power System Steady- State Stationary Behavior Due to Load and Generation Variations," (with H-D. Chiang, K. S. Shah and N. Balu), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 10, No. 2, May 1995, pp. 623-634.
"Bifurcations and Chaos in Electric Power Systems: Numerical Studies," (with H-D. Chiang and T. P. Conneen), Journal of The Franklin Institute, Vol. 331B, No. 6, November 1994, pp. 1001-1036.
"Toward an Integrated Methodology for Voltage Stability Assessments due to Slow Load Variations," (with H-D. Chiang), Bulk Power System Voltage Phenomena III: Voltage Stability, Security and Control, Davos, Switzerland, August 1994, pp. 667-691.