Timothy Hobbs

  • Research Assistant Professor


B.A., Physics and Mathematics, The University of Chicago

M.S., Physics, Indiana University

Ph.D., Physics, Indiana University

Research Interests

My research focuses on an array of issues at the interface of particle and nuclear theory, with an emphasis on quantum chromodynamics (QCD), the theory of the strong interaction. I am particularly interested in problems related to the nonperturbative structure of hadronic systems like the proton and pion and implications for topics ranging from nuclear structure and astrophysics to high-energy collider phenomenology, beyond Standard Model (BSM) physics searches, and neutrino scattering. This work frequently depends on a subtle interplay of QCD theory, model building, and advanced computation and statistics, with many opportunities for input from emerging AI and machine-learning technologies. I am also involved with the physics motivation and planning for the coming Electron-Ion Collider (EIC), which is the next accelerator planned for construction in the United States to peer inside the inner workings of the proton and nuclei with unprecedented precision.

Professional Affiliations & Memberships

Member, American Physical Society (APS)

Member-at-Large, APS Group on Hadronic Physics (GHP)


Fellow, EIC Center at Jefferson Lab, 2018-2020


My publications and preprints can be found .


Theoretical particle and nuclear physics

Advanced computation