Three balls on a cliff (part 1)
Event Topic Discrete Applied Math Seminar
Event Topic Discrete Applied Math Seminar
Event Topic Discrete Applied Math Seminar
Event Topic Discrete Applied Math Seminar
Description Abstract: Kenneth May in 1952 proved a classical theorem characterizing simple majority rule for two alternatives. Surprising recent work has employed this type of axiomatic approach for...
Speaker Marcus Schaefer DePaul University, Chicago Description A string graph is the intersection graph of a set of Jordan curves in the plane. Each curve is represented by a...
Description Abstract: Kenneth May in 1952 proved a classical theorem characterizing simple majority rule for two alternatives. Surprising recent work has employed this type of axiomatic approach for...
Description Abstract: Recently, there have been papers indicating that the maximal ratio combiner device can result in energy savings in wireless ad hoc networks by using Hitch-hiking. We study the...
Description Finding a bipartite subgraph with maximum number of edges in a given graph is a classical problem in combinatorial optimization and extremal graph theory. It has been studied in computer...
Description Finding a bipartite subgraph with maximum number of edges in a given graph is a classical problem in combinatorial optimization and extremal graph theory. It has been studied in computer...
Event Topic Discrete Applied Math Seminar