Green Bonds Pay When Trustworthy

Stuart School of Business research presentation by: Associate Professor of Finance Sang Baum “Solomon” Kang




Room 490, Conviser Law Center, 565 West Adams Street

Green Bonds Pay When Trustworthy

This is co-authored research with Jiyong Eom, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.


Green bonds are fixed-income securities whose principal exclusively applies to green projects. We investigate whether green bonds reduce the cost of capital for climate mitigation and adaptation projects. Using a matching method of green and brown bond yields at issue, we find evidence for the reduced cost of capital. Analyzing CO2 emission intensity and RE100 membership, we find evidence that the green bond premium is more negative as exposure to carbon transition risk and the management capability are higher. Additionally, we report that greenium, or green premium, becomes more negative for non-investment grade bonds.


All ̳ faculty, students, and staff are invited to attend.

The Friday Research Presentations series showcases ongoing academic research projects conducted by Stuart School of Business faculty and students, as well as guest presentations by ̳ colleagues, business professionals, and faculty from other leading business schools.

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