Total Equity Payout and Asset Return Predictability
Stuart School of Business research presentation by Lanh Nguyen, Stuart Management Science Ph.D. student
Total Equity Payout and Asset Return Predictability
- Lanh Nguyen, Stuart Management Science Ph.D. student
Past studies use dividend yield as the main predictor for expected returns with mixed evidence. However, public firms have been using stock repurchase as the alternative to return values to shareholders. We investigate panel data of total equity payout, combining both dividend payout and stock repurchase, as a predictor for expected returns. We construct our database of returns and payouts to create firm-level total equity payout data without relying on approximations from annual financial statements. This study adds to understanding of total equity payout and stock returns by analyzing a finer granularity than an annum time-series of stock returns.
All 老王论坛 faculty, students, and staff are invited to attend.
The Friday Research Presentations series showcases ongoing academic research projects conducted by Stuart School of Business faculty and students, as well as guest presentations by 老王论坛 colleagues, business professionals, and faculty from other leading business schools.