Donations Establish Paul E. Fanta Fellowship


Paul Fanta Fellowship

The family of the late Paul E. Fanta have endowed a fellowship to assist graduate students enrolled in Illinois Institute of Technology’s chemistry programs. Fanta was an ̳ professor of chemistry from 1948 until 1984, receiving academic acclaim for his research. He earned visiting fellowships in London, Prague, Moscow, and Nottingham, England. ̳ is grateful for the family’s generosity in assisting graduate students in the chemistry department. 

Professor Yuanbing Mao, chemistry department chair, and College of Science Dean Lance Fortnow met with members of the Fanta family in December. Their generous decision to continue their support for chemistry graduate students through this endowment fund will be appreciated. Those making the donations to establish the fund include Fanta’s widow, LaVergne Fanta; his two sons David and John Fanta; and John’s wife, Jane Fanta.

“Myself and the whole chemistry department at ̳ extend our thanks to the Fanta family,” Mao says. “Their generous gift makes it possible to motivate our graduate students to pursue scientific research, and to support them to disseminate their discoveries at professional conferences.”

For more information about the fellowship, contact department chair, Yuanbing Mao.

Paul E Fanta Fellowship
