Lewis College Roundtable: Play in Education
Lewis College of Human Sciences is pleased to announce that it has partnered with the Chicago Toy & Game Week for the next Roundtable event!
Lewis College is a sponsor of the Play in Education (PIE) track at the 16th Annual Chicago Toy & Game Fair on Saturday, November 17, 2018. The fair is North America’s largest non-hobby toy and game fair open to the public.
From building Lego trucks and playing Jenga at a party, play has an unmistakably large influence on our life. Play is pivotal in cognitive development and social skills in children. Research has shown that kids develop a stronger sense of creativity and inquisitiveness while playing.
Expand your brains, get social, come out and play with us at the next Roundtable!
Event Information
Lewis College Roundtable: Play in Education
Saturday, November 17, 2018
Chicago Toy & Game Fair
Navy Pier
Festival Hall A and B
840 East Grand Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611
Registration is $25, which includes lunch and free, early access to the fair for you and your family/guests. In addition, teachers and educators attending the Roundtable can earn CPDU/CE credits.
Schedule of Presentations
Introductions and Welcome
10 a.m.
Purposeful Play in the Classroom
10:15 a.m.
Janine Halloran
Founder, Coping Skills for Kids (part of Encourage Play, LLC)
Maria Metzler
Speech Language Pathologist
Founder, Totally Present Communication and Pyramid Communication & Technology
The Power of Playful Learning
10:45 a.m.
Joyce Hemphill, Ph.D.
Developmental Psychologist
Play! The Doorway to Girls' Math success
11:15 a.m.
Karen Tzanetopoulos, M.S., CC-SLP
Speech and Language Pathologist
Lunch and hands on play
11:45 a.m.
Play in Education News
12:30 p.m.
Tim Walsh
Fearless Leader, The Playmakers
Digital Strategies in the Classroom
12:35 p.m.
Jennifer L. Miller, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology
Lewis College of Human Sciences, Illinois Institute of Technology
Social Emotional Learning Through literacy and Math activities
1 p.m.
David Hoyt
"The man who puzzles America"
Author of Jumble
Claire Haasl
Executive Director, David L. Hoyt Foundation
Jeff Knurek
Jumble Cartoonist
Kirk Dietz
Sixth Grade English Teacher
Sleepy Hollow Middle School, Tarrytown, N.Y.
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