MMAE Alumnus Cagatay Tanil Named Recipient of Bradford W. Parkinson Award for Ph.D. Dissertation
Cagatay Tanil (Ph.D. AE, ‘16) was recently selected to receive the prestigious Bradford W. Parkinson Award for his Ph.D. Dissertation, “Detecting GNSS Spoofing Attacks Using INS Coupling.” The competitive award is given annually to the best Ph.D. thesis internationally on satellite-based navigation.
Tanil completed his Ph.D. work under the guidance of Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering and Director of the Navigation Laboratory (NavLab), Boris Pervan. Tanil is the second recipient of the award from ̳’s NavLab. Mathieu Joerger (M.S. AE ‘02, Ph.D. AE ‘02) won the award in 2009.
The award was established to honor Dr. Parkinson for his leadership in establishing both the U.S. Global Positioning System and the Satellite Division of the ION.