Rosado Marzán Joins Labor Law Group Executive Committee

Professor César F. Rosado Marzán, co-director of Chicago-Kent College of Law’s Institute for Law and the Workplace, has been named to the executive committee of the Labor Law Group. Founded in 1953, the Labor Law Group is dedicated to developing casebooks and other educational materials to prepare law students for practicing labor and employment law.
“It’s an honor to be part of the executive committee,” says Rosado Marzán. “The Labor Law Group is one of the most important labor law professional associations in the country, and it is the one for academics.”
Rosado Marzán’s four-year term on the executive committee began January 1, 2020. For his first project, he is helping to organize the Labor Law Group’s annual meeting in June, which will be primarily held at Chicago-Kent.
Rosado Marzán initially joined the Labor Law Group four years ago after he was nominated for membership by Chicago-Kent Professor Martin Malin. After being nominated, Rosado Marzán had to present his work to the group before receiving a formal invitation to join.
As an active member of the Labor Law Group, Rosado Marzán helps write labor law textbooks. He will be a co-author of the upcoming fourth edition of Labor Law in the Contemporary Workplace, to be published by West Academic Publishing.
A sociologist and attorney, Rosado Marzán joined the Chicago-Kent faculty in 2008 and became a full professor in 2019. His most recent book—Principled Labor Law: U.S. Labor Law through a Latin American Method (Oxford University Press 2019), co-authored with Sergio Gamonal C.—won the Simón Bolívar best book of the year award from the Bar Association of Puerto Rico (Colegio de Abogados y Abogadas de Puerto Rico).
Rosado Marzán teaches Contracts, Employment Relationships, International and Comparative Labor and Employment Law, and Labor Law. Previously, he practiced union-side labor law in New York and Puerto Rico.