Student Allan Huang Named Lincoln Laureate for “Improving the City He Loves”

Being able to attend IIT was definitely a huge blessing to me. I was exposed to more caring professors, smaller classes that allow the student-professor interaction to increase, as well as just being able to network with people who feel the same urgency, the same passion that I have about civic engagement definitely made this whole college experience worthwhile.
I received the Collens Scholarship. It funds tuition, books, student fees, everything. So through that scholarship I was able to focus completely on school and focus completely on what I want to do as opposed to worry about the money side. It is thanks to that scholarship that I was able to attend college.
Receiving the Lincoln Laureate Award was a big confirmation for me to continue doing what I do. So definitely I hope to continue working in civic engagement, community development, nonprofits or public sector just to improve the city that I love and the people that live in it.