Promoting Justice and Fairness

In the final year of her exceptional law school career, Jun Qiu (LAW ’18) was named one of National Jurist’s 20 “Law Students of the Year” in 2018 for her contributions to her law school and community.

An advocate for legal technology and access to justice, Qiu helped initiate a  project that uses technology to help legal aid attorneys prioritize and assist more effectively those facing eviction. She also worked as a research assistant on a criminal justice project relating to Miranda warnings, partnering with the ABA Center for Innovation, and served as a research assistant for the Law Lab, an interdisciplinary teaching and research center at Chicago-Kent devoted to legal futurism.

Born in China, Qiu was working as a CPA when she decided to pursue law school “to change the world, to promote justice and fairness.”

She chose Chicago-Kent because of its location and legal writing program. Qiu was the founding president of Chicago-Kent’s Tax Law Society and China Law Society and was Chicago-Kent’s ABA representative.

Today, Qiu uses her skills as a lawyer and an accountant as a staff attorney in the Financial Markets and Funds practice at Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP law firm.

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