Josh Coburn is building a trebuchet in his Design for Innovation course as a mechanical engineering student at Illinois Institute of Technology. It’s exactly the kind of hands-on work that Josh says...
As a graduate student in Leon Shaw’s research group, Vignyatha Tatagari works to develop novel materials for lithium-metal batteries. Before coming to Illinois Institute of Technology, Vignyatha...
Michael Buonanno works at Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works division, leading the engineering development of the X-59 Quiet Supersonic Technology X-plane. The supersonic aircraft was commissioned by NASA...
As a kid, Andy de Fonseca loved space but never considered pursuing a career in STEM. After getting degrees in theater, cinematography, and history and taking a job in marketing, Andy started...
Neil John has always loved breaking things to figure out how they work. Now as a mechanical engineering major, he’s getting better at rebuilding them, too. “I spent a decent chunk of time in the...
In the 1990s Illinois Institute of Technology was a pioneer in distance learning through its Interactive Instructional Television Network (IIT/V) program. Courses were filmed at campus locations and...
For Ricardo Vinuesa, the possibility of participating in research and study groups as he progressed through his academic career provided him with a competitive advantage. “I believe that my...
As a student with a passion for STEM, Levin Rosete has further refined his interests to engineering and technology. “At ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳ I was between mechanical and aerospace for the first two years of...
Dane Christianson is an inventor at heart. He designed—and then constructed—a three-dimensional twisty-puzzle called the X-Cube in ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳’s Idea Shop using a 3D printer. “The Idea Shop is just...
When Katja Berthold was deciding where she wanted to go to college, a variety of factors came into play, from what kind of education each college offered, its location, and its size. ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳ was...
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