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  • Alumni Story
(PSYC ’16)

Working with Distinguished Professor of Psychology Patrick Corrigan, Maya Al-Khouja created the Honest Open Proud (HOP) college program as a student at ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳. HOP is a peer-led program that...


(Biomedical Engineering ’19)

With her interest in researching autoimmune diseases, Brianna McKenna declared her major as biomedical engineering and thought that her career path was set. As she took her elective courses, however...


(ARCH ’16)

Martin Majkrak’s ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳ experience came full circle when he joined the College of Architecture as an adjunct faculty member. As a student, he transferred from Wilbur Wright College and...


(PS, PSYC ’06)

The Mumbai, India, charity that Robin Chaurasiya founded, Kranti, empowers young women to become agents of social change. Ranging in age from 12–22, the women at Kranti are survivors of human...



Cleversafe founder Chris Gladwin tapped Jason Resch as a lead software architect when Gladwin’s then-startup incubated on ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳’s campus from 2005–07. Cleversafe’s cutting-edge technology...


(AE ’07)

The summer after graduating from ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳, Jason Tenenbaum joined Lockheed Martin Mission Services as a systems engineer. He worked there for three years before joining SpaceX, where he gained...


(Information Technology and Management/M.A.S. Cyber Forensics and Security ’19)

At seemingly every turn the summer before her final year at ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳ and the summer after, Akvile Kiskis seized upon the opportunities afforded her during the Foreign Affairs Information...


(Information Technology and Management/M.A.S. Cyber Forensics and Security ’19)

As Isabel Jaramillo began to think about her future, she started to take stock of what would be most important to her. A business student at College of DuPage at that point, Jaramillo realized she...


(Manufacturing Technology ’01/M.A.S. Manufacturing Technology and Operations ’03/CERT FST)

Dan Kazmierczak knew he’d found exactly what he had been looking for after having a conversation with Keith McKee, who started the manufacturing technology program (now known as the industrial...
