Math is not a solitary activity. It's more efficient—and more fun—when you discuss problems with someone else.
Videos and other online resources are convenient, but inefficient. Instead of searching, scrolling, and skimming for that bit of information you need, try talking to a person who can immediately identify what you do and don't understand. Find someone who can meet you at your pressure point.
At ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳ students always have options.
Office Hours
Math professors love talking about math! Feel free to visit yours during their regular office hours. It helps if you come prepared with specific questions. One-on-one help is different, so try office hours, especially if you found a lecture to be confusing.
Teaching Assistant Office Hours
Teaching assistants hold regular office hours in RE-129. TAs can help with coursework, or help you find another TA who can assist you.
Academic Resource Center
The Academic Resource Center (ARC) provides peer tutoring, supplemental instruction, and more.
The ARC is located in Hermann Hall, Room 112 (first floor, northwest corner).
Study Groups
Math students who work in groups have more success than those who struggle alone. Discussing what you don't understand and explaining how to solve a problem to others are terrific ways to clarify and solidify understanding for everyone participating.
Be a hero and organize a study group with your classmates! Or check with ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳’s applied mathematics student organizations to see when they host group study sessions.
For more tips to develop good study habits, check out these websites: