
Submit Grades to Banner in Canvas

Before You Begin

Check that your grade book is accurate and up to date before submitting grades

  • Only users with the “Teacher” role in Canvas, meaning you are entered in Banner as the instructor of record, can use this tool. TAs are not able to submit grades using the Canvas tool.
  • Review the Canvas Gradebook. Ensure all materials is graded and correct.
  • Review your to ensure it matches that of your department.
  • Review Gradebook cells for icons indicating an online submission that hasn't been graded. Click on the cell containing the icon and access the SpeedGrader to finish grading that assignment.
  • Look for peach highlights in the gradebook. The color peach means the student has re-submitted the assignment and it needs to be re-graded before submitting a final grade.

Reviewing and Submitting Grades

  1. From the navigation menu of your Canvas course, click Submit Grades to Banner.
    01 Submit Grades to Banner
  2. If you have used the Canvas Gradebook, you’ll see the student’s grades under “Current Grade.”  In the Final tab, review the student's grades for accuracy. If you need to make any adjustments you should make them in the Canvas Gradebook first, but you can also change the final grade by entering a new grade in the Final Grade box for each student.
      02 Review the students' grades for accuracy
  3. For students with failing grades refer to the information on submitting a failing grade below.
  4. If the grades are accurate, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Submit
  5. If the grades were successfully submitted, a message indicating the number of successful submissions will be displayed.
03 Successful Message


Please note that the roster tab defaults to 'Final'. If you need to submit your Midterm grades, switch to the 'Midterm' tab at the top.



Submitting a Failing Grade

For each student with a failing grade, enter the last date of attendance in the Last Attended Date box.

04 Submitting Final Grades Message

Submitting Individual Grades

If you want to submit the grades for a single student or several students, you will need to remove the grade from each student you do not want submitted.

05 Submit Individual Grades

Checking Banner to Verify Grades That Were Submitted

The Faculty Grade Entry form in Self Service Banner will allow you to review your grades. If you have any questions, please contact supportdesk@iit.edu.