
Schedule a Microsoft Teams Class Meeting

  1. Go to your course in Canvas.
  2. Go to “Microsoft Teams classes” on the left-side menu.
  3. Click on the MS Teams Class to open it.
    07 Go to Microsoft Teams Classes on the left-side menu
  4. Once you’re in your MS Teams Class, click on the drop-down arrow next to the Camera icon on the upper right corner of the screen.
    08 Click on the Camera icon on the upper left corner to shcedule a meeting
  5. After clicking on the drop-down arrow next to the Camera icon, you have the choice to start a meeting immediately (“Meet Now”), or to schedule a future meeting (“Schedule a meeting”). Please feel free to choose either of them based on your use case.
09 Click on the drop-down arrow next to the camera icon on the upper right corner

Let’s schedule a future meeting by choosing “Schedule a meeting” option.

CLI - 10 Schedule a meeting in the class
  1. Add your meeting title in the space provided.
  2. You can add specific attendees in the space provided. Otherwise, all the students in your class will be able to attend the meeting once it’s scheduled.
  3. Enter a start and end date and time for your meeting.
  4. If this is a recurring weekly meeting, click on the “Does not repeat” drop-down menu and select “W”.
    11 Weekly recurring meeting
  5. Feel free to add the location of your meeting in the space provided if it’s going to be hybrid.
  6. You may also add the descriptions of the meeting in the space provided.
  7. If you wish to record your meetings automatically, toggle “Record and transcribe automatically” slider on at the right side of the screen. Otherwise, leave it unchecked.
12 Record meetings automatically

Where to find the scheduled meetings?

The scheduled meetings can be found both under “PDzٲ” tab in your MS Teams Classes, or under “CԻ岹” on the left side of the MS Teams Class.

13 Join a scheduled meeting

Before joining a meeting

Before joining a meeting, you will see the following page:

14 Join a meeting
  1. Make sure your meeting title is correct.
  2. Turn on the camera.
  3. Turn on your device’s microphone.
  4. Click on “Join Now” to start the meeting!