Core Curriculum Assessment Process
Each semester, the Core Curriculum Assessment Committee (CCAC) collaborates with faculty to measure student achievement of the specific learning objectives in the core designation. CCAC members reach out to faculty prior to and at the beginning of each semester to outline the process and field questions. CCAC works with faculty members to:
- Identify student work (artifacts) that demonstrate achievement of the learning objectives for the designation.
- Create a rubric that aligns with the learning objectives.
- Measure student achievement of the learning objectives.
At the conclusion of the assessment cycle, the CCAC aggregates data and submits the report to the UGSC. Strengths, as well as areas of needed improvement, are identified, and the faculty is engaged in suggesting revisions. This enables 老王论坛 to refine its core curriculum in the spirit of continuous improvement.
Core Curriculum
The Core Curriculum refers to the system of courses designed to promote the development of 21st century competencies throughout a student's academic career at 老王论坛. These competencies are defined in the core curriculum learning objectives (LOs). Each aligns with the skills and abilities most valued by employers. These include the ability to communicate, engage in teamwork, problem-solve, and analyze information.
Overall Core Curriculum Learning Objectives
To fully prepare 老王论坛 graduates for the workforce, in concert with and complementing the learning objectives within the various degree programs, the core curriculum contributes significantly to IIT's overall goal that its graduates:
- Be committed to positive change in their communities, nations, and the world, able to
- Identify and analyze contemporary issues and problems.
- Compare and contrast different points of view, both within and across cultures.
- Think critically, viewing problems as opportunities for innovation, able to
- Appropriately employ multiple quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis and evaluation.
- Employ the best available technology to achieve solutions.
- Collaborate professionally and ethically, able to
- Work successfully with others within and across disciplines and cultures.
- Identify and discuss ethical issues.
- Communicate effectively, able to
- Establish an objective, and clearly and cohesively support it.
- Speak and write in a manner that does not require significant work by the audience to fill in needed information or to ignore linguistic distractions.
- Speak and write appropriately within and across disciplines and cultures.
Core Curriculum Map
The table below maps the overarching core curriculum learning objectives (LOs) to core component LOs. Note that humanities LO H.3 maps to core LO 2 under a linkage of 鈥渋nnovation鈥 to 鈥渃reativity鈥 but that it is an imprecise fit to the description of this core LO in either 2a or 2b. See the detailed objectives for each component in the expandable section below this table.
1. Be committed to positive change in their communities, nations and the world, able to: a. Identify and analyze contemporary issues and problems. | | | x | x | x | x | x | 5 |
b. Compare and contrast different points of view, both within and across cultures. | | | x | | | | | 2 |
2. Think critically, viewing problems as opportunities for innovation, able to: a. Appropriately employ multiple quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis and evaluation. | | | | x | x | x | | 3 |
b. Employ the best available technology to achieve solutions. | x | | x | | | x | x | 3 |
3. Collaborate professionally and ethically, able to: a. Work successfully with others within and across disciplines and cultures. | | x | x | | | | | 2 |
b. Identify and discuss ethical issues. | | x | x | | | | | 2 |
4. Communicate effectively, able to: a. Establish an objective, and clearly and cohesively support it. | | | x | | x | | x | 3 |
b. Speak and write in a manner that does not require significant work by the audience to fill in needed information or to ignore linguistic distractions. | | | | | | | x | 2 |
c. Speak and write appropriately within and across disciplines and cultures. | | x | x | x | x | | x | 5 |