Office of the President

The 6 Focal Areas for the Council

  1. Policy & Process such as Finances, Facilities, Public Safety
    1. What institutional systems and structures address equitable access and opportunity in community engagement for students, faculty, staff, and community partners? Examples may include: infrastructure, programs or initiatives, policies, procedures, and finances.
    2. What resources are made available to community partners that support community engagement (e.g., professional development, compensation, materials, space, acknowledgement, awards)?
  2. Research such as Research Ethics and Practices
    1. How does our research provide community value to Bronzeville? How does our research align with and support Bronzeville’s priorities and needs?
  3. Curricular & Co-Curricular Activities such as programs like IPRO, class curriculums, ENGAGE
    1. What are the institutional-wide definitions and standards used for community-engaged courses?
    2. How is community engagement integrated into traditional curricular structures?
    3. How is community engagement integrated in academic activities?
    4. How does the institution assess student engagement in community courses?
  4. Faculty & Staff – Hiring, Promotion, Retention, Tenure
    1. What are the training programs for faculty and staff that enhance community engagement?
    2. How does the institution measure faculty engagement and improve outcomes?
    3. What are the promotion policies for community engaged scholarship and institution-wide?
    4. How does the campus reward community engagement in promotion and tenure policies?
  5. Identity & Communications – Messaging, Information Dissemination, Marketing
    1. What are the training programs for faculty and staff that enhance community engagement?
    2. How does the institution measure faculty engagement and improve outcomes?
    3. What are the promotion policies for community engaged scholarship and institution-wide?
    4. How does the campus reward community engagement in promotion and tenure policies?
  6. External Partnerships & Quality of Engagement – Procurement, Events, Partnerships, Collaborations
    1. What systematic actions, strategies and assessments are used to ensure the institution, academic units (colleges, departments), and faculty and staff are building partnerships that center mutual benefit and reciprocity?
    2. How do mutually beneficial partnerships work? How are we ensuring benefits are shared?