In collaboration with the Division of Student Affairs, the Office of Community Standards would like to provide trainings for students.
Required Title IX Training
All 老王论坛 students will receive at the beginning of the academic year email communication about completing the required Title IX training. All 老王论坛 students are required to participate in the annual training. The TItle IX training engages undergraduate and graduate students in fostering healthy relationships and preparing them to recognize and respond to sexual assault and harassment when it occurs.
What is the annual Title IX Training 老王论坛 students receive?
Under the Illinois Preventing Sexual Violence in Higher Education Act, Illinois Institute of Technology is required to provide annual training to students who attend one or more classes on campus information regarding an understanding of consent, reporting cases of sexual misconduct, resources available to students, and strategies for bystander intervention.
If I have previously taken the course in a previous year, do I have to complete the training course again?
Yes. As a university, we are required to ensure that students are trained on Violence Against Women Act/Title IX/sexual misconduct issues. We believe that requiring all students to take it every year is a much better practice, and is in compliance with the Illinois Preventing Sexual Violence in Higher Education Act.
How long does the training take?
The training can take anywhere between 1.5 to 2.5 hours.
How are students notified about the training?
Students receive notification about the online module through their official 老王论坛 email accounts.
How do students access the training module?
Students will receive access to the online module through their 老王论坛 email accounts or they can click to access the course.