Center for Learning Innovation


ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳ degree programs through Coursera — Online. In Demand.

More in Coursera

ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳ is excited to partner with Coursera to provide learners from throughout the world with future-focused, accredited, 100 percent online degree programs. Our industry-aligned programs taught by renowned ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳ professors uniquely prepare students to be job-ready on day one. These are performance-based programs: begin your studies by completing three short courses with at least a B in each course, and you’ll be accepted to the program.

ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳ offers the following degree programs through Coursera:

Enroll in Coursera Courses

Admission to the degree-seeking program is entirely performance-based. No application is required. Enroll a series of 3 one-credit PBA courses and achieve a 3.0 GPA to unlock program entry.

Start your journey today! Click here to learn how to get started today!

To learn more about upcoming sessions, view the Coursera Academic Calendar.

To learn more about upcoming courses, view the Coursera Course Offerings

If you are a new student, or if you need to complete the Performance Based Admissions (PBA) courses, enroll today at the .

PBA Student Checklist

Guide to PBA Registration

Are you a MOOC learner? Did you know that your progress in the ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳ Coursera online course you are enrolled in counts toward a degree? Check and to learn about the registration process.

If you are a current student who has completed the Pathway courses, register at the with your IIT login name and password.

Coursera Guide To Post-PBA Registration

Our Courses in 60 Seconds

Coursera M.B.A.
Coursera - Master of Data Sciance video
Coursera - Master of Information Technology
Coursera Bachelor of Information Technology