
Coursera Course Offerings

Spring 2025 Course Offerings

(for deadlines, please check the academic calendar)

Spring A - PBA - Pathway Courses
MBA 701: Competitive Strategy53405101/13 to 03/07/2025
MBA 702: Managerial Economics: Buyer and Seller Behavior53407101/13 to 03/07/2025
MBA 703: Mastering Excel Essentials to Enhance Business Value53409101/13 to 03/07/2025
Spring A - Core Degree Courses
MBA 501: Financial Statement Applications53414301/13 to 03/07/2025
MBA 506: Leadership and Organization Design53415301/13 to 03/07/2025
MBA 522: Transformational Leadership in a Technology Driven Marketplace53906301/13 to 03/07/2025
MBA 532: Artificial Intelligence53905301/13 to 03/07/2025
Spring B - PBA - Pathway Courses
MBA 701: Competitive Strategy5340613/10 to 5/9/2025
MBA 702: Managerial Economics: Buyer and Seller Behavior5340813/10 to 5/9/2025
MBA 703: Mastering Excel Essentials to Enhance Business Value5341013/10 to 5/9/2025
Spring B - Post Pathway Courses
MBA 706: Innovation and International Strategy5341123/10 to 5/9/2025
MBA 707: Business Economics and Game Theory for Decision Making


23/10 to 5/9/2025
MBA 708: A Comprehensive Excel Masterclass: Unleashing Business Potential5341323/10 to 5/9/2025
Spring B - Core Degree Courses
MBA 511: Marketing Strategy5232733/10 to 5/9/2025
MBA 513: Operations and Process Management


33/10 to 5/9/2025

MBA 590: Digital Transformation


33/10 to 5/9/2025


(for deadlines, please check the academic calendar)

Spring A - PBA - Pathway Courses
MATH 764: Linear Regression


101/13 to 03/07/2025
MATH 765: Model Diagnostics and Remedial Measures


101/13 to 03/07/2025
CS 725: Introduction to Relational Databases


101/13 to 03/07/2025
CS 726: Relational Database Design


101/13 to 03/07/2025
Spring A - Post Pathway Courses
MATH 766: Variable Selection, Model Validation, and Nonlinear Regression


101/13 to 03/07/2025
CS 727: Relational Database Implementation and Applications


101/13 to 03/07/2025
Spring A - Core Degree Courses

CS 577: Deep Learning


301/13 to 03/07/2025

MATH 569: Statistical Learning


301/13 to 03/07/2025
Spring B - PBA - Pathway Courses
MATH 764: Linear Regression


13/10 to 5/9/2025
MATH 765: Model Diagnostics and Remedial Measures


13/10 to 5/9/2025
CS 725: Introduction to Relational Databases


13/10 to 5/9/2025
CS 726: Relational Database Design


13/10 to 5/9/2025
Spring B - Post Pathway Courses
CS 727: Relational Database Implementation and Applications


13/10 to 5/9/2025
MATH 766: Variable Selection, Model Validation, and Nonlinear Regression


13/10 to 5/9/2025
Spring B - Core Degree Courses
SCI 522: Public Engagement for Scientists


33/10 to 5/9/2025

CSP 554: Big Data Technologies


33/10 to 5/9/2025

MATH 574-03: Bayesian Computational Stats


33/10 to 5/9/2025

(for deadlines, please check the academic calendar)

Spring A - PBA - Pathway Courses
ITM 705: Hardware & OS Foundations I53394101/13 to 03/07/2025
ITM 706: Hardware & OS Foundations II53395101/13 to 03/07/2025
ITM 707: Hardware & OS Foundations III53396101/13 to 03/07/2025
Spring A - Core Degree Courses
ITMO 565: Cloud: Infrastructure as a Service53868301/13 to 03/07/2025
ITMO 544: Cloud Computing Technologies53401301/13 to 03/07/2025
ITMD 513: Open Source Programming53399301/13 to 03/07/2025
Spring B - PBA - Pathway Courses
ITM 705: Hardware & OS Foundations I5361413/10 to 5/9/2025
ITM 706: Hardware & OS Foundations II5361513/10 to 5/9/2025
ITM 707: Hardware & OS Foundations III5361613/10 to 5/9/2025
Spring B - Post Pathway Courses
ITMD 504: Programming and Application Foundations5361733/10 to 5/9/2025
ITMO 540: Introduction to Data Networks and the Internet5361833/10 to 5/9/2025
Spring B - Core Degree Courses
ITMO 554: Operating System Virtualization5340333/10 to 5/9/2025
ITMO 556: Introduction to Open Source Software5340033/10 to 5/9/2025

(for deadlines, please check the academic calendar)

Spring A - PBA - Pathway Courses
ITM 701: Intro to OS and Hardware 1a53416101/13 to 03/07/2025
ITM 702: Intro to OS and Hardware 1b53392101/13 to 03/07/2025
ITM 703: Intro to OS and Hardware 1c53393101/13 to 03/07/2025
Spring A - Core Degree Courses
ITMD 321: Data Modeling and Applications53854301/13 to 03/07/2025
ITMD 361: Fundamentals of Web Development53397301/13 to 03/07/2025
ITMD 413: Open Source Programming53398301/13 to 03/07/2025
ITMT 430: System Integration53872301/13 to 03/07/2025
ITMO 464: Cloud: Platform as a Service53866301/13 to 03/07/2025
ITMO 465: Cloud: Infrastructure as a Service53867301/13 to 03/07/2025
SSCI 385: Media, Elections, and Politics54007301/13 to 03/07/2025
COM 380-A04: Topics in Communication: Data Visualization and The Art Of Storytelling54041301/13 to 03/07/2025
Spring B - PBA - Pathway Courses
ITM 701: Intro to OS and Hardware 1a5360813/10 to 5/9/2025
ITM 702: Intro to OS and Hardware 1b5361213/10 to 5/9/2025
ITM 703: Intro to OS and Hardware 1c5361313/10 to 5/9/2025
Spring B - Core Degree Courses
ITM 313: Introduction to Open Source Application Development5348433/10 to 5/9/2025
ITMO 340: Introduction to Data Networks and the Internet5363433/10 to 5/9/2025
ITMO 444: Cloud Computing Technologies5340233/10 to 5/9/2025
ITMO 463: Cloud: Software as a Service5386533/10 to 5/9/2025
ITMM 471: Project Management for Information Technology and Management5385933/10 to 5/9/2025
PSYC 301: Industrial Psychology5397133/10 to 5/9/2025
HIST 373: History of Video Games5404933/10 to 5/9/2025
IPRO: Energy Efficiency5408133/10 to 5/9/2025

Summer 2025 Course Offerings

(for deadlines, please check the academic calendar)

PBA - Pathway Courses 
MBA 701: Competitive Strategy35665106/2 to 07/26/2025
MBA 702: Managerial Economics: Buyer and Seller Behavior35666106/2 to 07/26/2025
MBA 703: Mastering Excel Essentials to Enhance Business Value35667106/2 to 07/26/2025
PBA - Post Pathway Courses 
MBA 706: Innovation and International Strategy35668206/2 to 07/26/2025
MBA 707: Business Economics and Game Theory for Decision Making35669206/2 to 07/26/2025
MBA 708: A Comprehensive Excel Masterclass: Unleashing Business Potential35670206/2 to 07/26/2025
Core Degree Courses 
MAX 501: Digital Marketing35953306/2 to 07/26/2025
MBA 501: Financial Statement Applications35779306/2 to 07/26/2025
MBA 572: New Tech Ventures35956306/2 to 07/26/2025


(for deadlines, please check the academic calendar)

PBA - Pathway Courses
MATH 764: Linear Regression35789106/2 to 07/26/2025
MATH 765: Model Diagnostics and Remedial Measures35790106/2 to 07/26/2025
CS 725: Introduction to Relational Databases35758106/2 to 07/26/2025
CS 726: Relational Database Design35759106/2 to 07/26/2025
Core Degree Courses
MATH 546-01: Introduction to Time Series35787306/2 to 07/26/2025
MATH 569: Statistical Learning35788306/2 to 07/26/2025
CSP 571: Data Preparation and Analysis35762306/2 to 07/26/2025
CS 577: Deep Learning35757306/2 to 07/26/2025
Post Pathway Courses
MATH 766: Variable Selection, Model Validation, and Nonlinear Regression35791106/2 to 07/26/2025
CS 727: Relational Database Implementation and Applications35761106/2 to 07/26/2025

(for deadlines, please check the academic calendar)

PBA - Pathway Courses
ITM 705: Hardware & OS Foundations I35813106/2 to 07/26/2025
ITM 706: Hardware & OS Foundations II35815106/2 to 07/26/2025
ITM 707: Hardware & OS Foundations III35816106/2 to 07/26/2025
Core Degree Courses
ITMD 513: Open Source Programming35961306/2 to 07/26/2025
ITMO 564: Cloud: Platform as a Service35722306/2 to 07/26/2025
ITMS 564: Cloud Computing Security35971306/2 to 07/26/2025
ITMO 565: Cloud: Infrastructure as a Service35723306/2 to 07/26/2025
Post Pathway Courses
ITMD 504: Programming and Application Foundations35817306/2 to 07/26/2025
ITMO 540: Introduction to Data Networks and the Internet35819306/2 to 07/26/2025

(for deadlines, please check the academic calendar)

PBA - Pathway Courses
ITM 701: Intro to OS and Hardware 1a35809106/2 to 07/26/2025
ITM 702: Intro to OS and Hardware 1b35811106/2 to 07/26/2025
ITM 703: Intro to OS and Hardware 1c35812106/2 to 07/26/2025
Post Pathway Courses
ITM 313: Introduction to Open Source Application Development35808306/2 to 07/26/2025
Core Degree Courses
ITMD 321: Data Modeling and Applications35708306/2 to 07/26/2025
ITMO 454: Operating System Virtualization35715306/2 to 07/26/2025
ITMO 464: Cloud: Platform as a Service35717306/2 to 07/26/2025
ITMO 465: Cloud: Infrastructure as a Service35818306/2 to 07/26/2025

Fall 2024 Course Offerings

(for deadlines, please check the academic calendar)

Fall A - PBA - Pathway Courses
MBA 701: Competitive Strategy15944108/19 to 10/11/2024
MBA 702: Managerial Economics: Buyer and Seller Behavior15946108/19 to 10/11/2024
MBA 703: Mastering Excel Essentials to Enhance Business Value15947108/19 to 10/11/2024
Fall A - Core Degree Courses
MBA 590: Digital Transformation15298308/19 to 10/11/2024
MBA 513: Operations & Process Management16466308/19 to 10/11/2024
Fall A - B&T Track
TRACK: MBA 572 New Tech Ventures16452308/19 to 10/11/2024
Fall B - PBA - Pathway Courses
MBA 701: Competitive Strategy15944110/14 to 12/06/2024
MBA 702: Managerial Economics: Buyer and Seller Behavior15946110/14 to 12/06/2024
MBA 703: Mastering Excel Essentials to Enhance Business Value15948110/14 to 12/06/2024
Fall B - Post Pathway Courses
MBA 706: Innovation and International Strategy15949210/14 to 12/06/2024
MBA 707: Business Economics and Game Theory for Decision Making15950210/14 to 12/06/2024
MBA 708: A Comprehensive Excel Masterclass: Unleashing Business Potential15951210/14 to 12/06/2024
Fall B - Core Degree Courses
MBA 511 Marketing Strategy16468310/14 to 12/06/2024
MBA 506 Leadership & Organization Design16467310/14 to 12/06/2024
Fall B - B&T Track
TRACK: MAX 501 Digital Marketing16401310/14 to 12/06/2024


(for deadlines, please check the academic calendar)

Fall A - PBA - Pathway Courses
MATH 764: Linear Regression1595518/19 to 10/11/2024
MATH 765: Model Diagnostics and Remedial Measures1595618/19 to 10/11/2024
CS 725: Introduction to Relational Databases1595218/19 to 10/11/2024
CS 726: Relational Database Design1595318/19 to 10/11/2024
Fall A - Post Pathway Courses
MATH 766: Variable Selection, Model Validation, and Nonlinear Regression1641518/19 to 10/11/2024
CS 727: Relational Database Implementation and Applications1595418/19 to 10/11/2024
Fall A - Core Degree Courses
MATH 574-03: Bayesian Computational Stats1641238/19 to 10/11/2024
SCI 522: Public Engagement for Scientists1641938/19 to 10/11/2024
CSP 554: Big Data Technologies1639838/19 to 10/11/2024
Fall B - PBA - Pathway Courses
MATH 764: Linear Regression15960110/14 to 12/06/2024
MATH 765: Model Diagnostics and Remedial Measures15961110/14 to 12/06/2024
CS 725: Introduction to Relational Databases16124110/14 to 12/06/2024
CS 726: Relational Database Design16123110/14 to 12/06/2024
Fall B - Post Pathway Courses
CS 727: Relational Database Implementation and Applications16414110/14 to 12/06/2024
MATH 766: Variable Selection, Model Validation, and Nonlinear Regression15957110/14 to 12/06/2024
Fall B - Core Degree Courses
MATH 546-03: Introduction to Time Series16413310/14 to 12/06/2024
CSP 571: Data Preparation and Analysis16411310/14 to 12/06/2024

(for deadlines, please check the academic calendar)

Fall A - PBA - Pathway Courses
ITM 705: Hardware & OS Foundations I159271Aug 19 to Oct 11
ITM 706: Hardware & OS Foundations II159281Aug 19 to Oct 11
ITM 707: Hardware & OS Foundations III159291Aug 19 to Oct 11
Fall A - Core Degree Courses
ITMO 544: Cloud Computing Technologies164303Aug 19 to Oct 11
ITMO 554: Operating System Virtualization164313Aug 19 to Oct 11
ITMO 556: Introduction to Open Source Operating Systems165453Aug 19 to Oct 11
Fall B - PBA - Pathway Courses
ITM 705: Hardware & OS Foundations I159401Oct 14 to Dec 6
ITM 706: Hardware & OS Foundations II159411Oct 14 to Dec 6
ITM 707: Hardware & OS Foundations III159421Oct 14 to Dec 6
Fall B - Post Pathway Courses
ITMD 504: Programming and Application Foundations159313Oct 14 to Dec 6
ITMO 540: Introduction to Data Networks and the Internet164333Oct 14 to Dec 6
Fall B - Core Degree Courses
ITMS 564: Cloud Computing Security164343Oct 14 to Dec 6
ITMO 564 Cloud: Platform as a Service164803Oct 14 to Dec 6

(for deadlines, please check the academic calendar)

Fall A - PBA - Pathway Courses
ITM 701: Intro to OS and Hardware 1a159241Aug 19 to Oct 11
ITM 702: Intro to OS and Hardware 1b159251Aug 19 to Oct 11
ITM 703: Intro to OS and Hardware 1c159261Aug 19 to Oct 11
Fall A - Core Degree Courses
ITMD 361: Fundamentals of Web Development164363Aug 19 to Oct 11
ITMO 356: Introduction to Open Source Operating Systems164373Aug 19 to Oct 11
ITMO 454: Operating System Virtualization164393Aug 19 to Oct 11
ITMO 444: Cloud Computing Technologies164383Aug 19 to Oct 11
ITMM 471: Project Management for Information Technology and Management164443Aug 19 to Oct 11
ITMO 463: Cloud: Software as a Service164453Aug 19 to Oct 11
Fall B - PBA - Pathway Courses
ITM 701: Intro to OS and Hardware 1a159371Oct 14 to Dec 6
ITM 702: Intro to OS and Hardware 1b159381Oct 14 to Dec 6
ITM 703: Intro to OS and Hardware 1c159391Oct 14 to Dec 6
Fall B - Post Pathway Courses
ITM 313: Introduction to Open Source Application Development159303Oct 14 to Dec 6
ITMO 340: Introduction to Data Networks and the Internet159343Oct 14 to Dec 6
Fall B - Core Degree Courses
ITMO 464: Cloud: Platform as a Service164403Oct 14 to Dec 6
ITMS 448: Cyber Security Technologies164423Oct 14 to Dec 6
ITMS 464: Cloud Computing Security164433Oct 14 to Dec 6

Summer 2024 Course Offerings

(for deadlines, please check the academic calendar)

Summer A - PBA - Pathway Courses
MBA 701: Competitive Strategy35665105/13 to 06/21/2024
MBA 702: Managerial Economics: Buyer and Seller Behavior35666105/13 to 06/21/2024
MBA 703: Mastering Excel Essentials to Enhance Business Value35667105/13 to 06/21/2024
Summer A - Post Pathway Courses

MBA 501: Financial Statement Applications

35779305/13 to 06/21/2024
Summer B - PBA - Pathway Courses

MBA 703: Mastering Excel Essentials to Enhance Business Value

35806106/24 to 08/02/2024
Summer B - Post Pathway Courses

MBA 706: Innovation and International Strategy

35668206/24 to 08/02/2024

MBA 707: Business Economics and Game Theory for Decision Making

35669206/24 to 08/02/2024

MBA 708: A Comprehensive Excel Masterclass: Unleashing Business Potential

35670206/24 to 08/02/2024
Summer B - Core Degree Courses

MBA 532: Artificial Intelligence

35780306/24 to 08/02/2024


(for deadlines, please check the academic calendar)

Summer A - PBA - Pathway Courses
MATH 764: Linear Regression35789105/13 to 06/21/2024
MATH 765: Model Diagnostics and Remedial Measures35790105/13 to 06/21/2024
CS 725: Introduction to Relational Databases35758105/13 to 06/21/2024
CS 726: Relational Database Design35759105/13 to 06/21/2024
Summer A - Core Degree Courses

MATH 546: Introduction to Time Series

35787305/13 to 06/21/2024
CSP 571: Data Preparation and Analysis35762305/13 to 06/21/2024
Summer B - PBA - Pathway Courses

MATH 764-02 Linear Regression

3584416/24 to 08/02/2024

MATH 765: Model Diagnostics and Remedial Measures

35792106/24 to 08/02/2024

CS 726: Relational Database Design

35760106/24 to 08/02/2024
Summer B - Post Pathway Courses

MATH 766: Variable Selection, Model Validation, and Nonlinear Regression

35791106/24 to 08/02/2024

CS 727: Relational Database Implementation and Applications

35761106/24 to 08/02/2024
Summer B - Core Degree Courses

CS 577: Deep Learning


306/24 to 08/02/2024

MATH 569: Statistical Learning


306/24 to 08/02/2024

(for deadlines, please check the academic calendar)

Summer A - PBA - Pathway Courses
ITM 705: Hardware & OS Foundations I35813105/13 to 06/21/2024
ITM 706: Hardware & OS Foundations II35815105/13 to 06/21/2024
ITM 707: Hardware & OS Foundations III35816105/13 to 06/21/2024
Summer A - Core Degree Courses
ITMO 564: Cloud: Platform as a Service35722305/13 to 06/21/2024
Summer B - PBA - Pathway Courses
ITM 705: Hardware & OS Foundations I35814105/13 to 06/21/2024
Summer B - Post Pathway Courses
ITMD 504: Programming and Application Foundations35817306/24 to 08/02/2024
ITMO 540: Introduction to Data Networks and the Internet35819306/24 to 08/02/2024
Summer B - Core Degree Courses
ITMO 565: Cloud: Infrastructure as a Service35723306/24 to 08/02/2024

(for deadlines, please check the academic calendar)

Summer A - PBA - Pathway Courses
ITM 701: Intro to OS and Hardware 1a35809105/13 to 06/21/2024
ITM 702: Intro to OS and Hardware 1b35811105/13 to 06/21/2024
ITM 703: Intro to OS and Hardware 1c35812105/13 to 06/21/2024
Summer A - Core Degree Courses
ITMD 321: Data Modeling and Applications35708305/13 to 06/21/2024
ITMO 454: Operating System Virtualization35715305/13 to 06/21/2024
ITMO 464: Cloud: Platform as a Service35717305/13 to 06/21/2024
Summer B - PBA - Pathway Courses
ITM 701: Intro to OS and Hardware 1a35810106/24 to 08/02/2024
Summer B - Post Pathway Courses
ITM 313: Introduction to Open Source Application Development35808306/24 to 08/02/2024
Summer B - Core Degree Courses
ITMO 465: Cloud: Infrastructure as a Service35818306/24 to 08/02/2024

Spring 2024 Course Offerings

(for deadlines, please check the academic calendar)

Spring A - PBA - Pathway Courses
MBA 701: Competitive Strategy53405101/08 to 03/08/2024
MBA 702: Managerial Economics: Buyer and Seller Behavior53407101/08 to 03/08/2024
MBA 703: Mastering Excel Essentials to Enhance Business Value53409101/08 to 03/08/2024
Spring A - Post Pathway Courses
MBA 707: Business Economics and Game Theory for Decision Making53473201/08 to 03/08/2024
Spring A - Core Degree Courses
MBA 501: Financial Statement Applications53414301/08 to 03/08/2024
MBA 506: Leadership and Organization Design53415301/08 to 03/08/2024
Spring B - PBA - Pathway Courses
MBA 701: Competitive Strategy5340613/18 to 5/10/2024
MBA 702: Managerial Economics: Buyer and Seller Behavior5340813/18 to 5/10/2024
MBA 703: Mastering Excel Essentials to Enhance Business Value5341013/18 to 5/10/2024
Spring B - Post Pathway Courses
MBA 706: Innovation and International Strategy5341123/18 to 5/10/2024
MBA 707: Business Economics and Game Theory for Decision Making5341223/18 to 5/10/2024
MBA 708: A Comprehensive Excel Masterclass: Unleashing Business Potential5341323/18 to 5/10/2024
Spring B - Core Degree Courses
MBA 511: Marketing Strategy5232733/18 to 5/10/2024
MBA 513: Operations and Process Management5347233/18 to 5/10/2024


(for deadlines, please check the academic calendar)

Spring A - PBA - Pathway Courses
MATH 764: Linear Regression53432101/08 to 03/08/2024
MATH 765: Model Diagnostics and Remedial Measures53430101/08 to 03/08/2024
CS 725: Introduction to Relational Databases53476101/08 to 03/08/2024
CS 726: Relational Database Design53478101/08 to 03/08/2024
Spring A - Post Pathway Courses
MATH 766: Variable Selection, Model Validation, and Nonlinear Regression53431101/08 to 03/08/2024
CS 727: Relational Database Implementation and Applications534801 
Spring A - Core Degree Courses
CSP 571: Data Preparation and Analysis53482301/08 to 03/08/2024
MATH 569: Statistical Learning53428301/08 to 03/08/2024
Spring B - PBA - Pathway Courses
MATH 764: Linear Regression5343213/18 to 5/10/2024
MATH 765: Model Diagnostics and Remedial Measures5343313/18 to 5/10/2024
CS 725: Introduction to Relational Databases5347713/18 to 5/10/2024
CS 726: Relational Database Design5347913/18 to 5/10/2024
Spring B - Post Pathway Courses
MATH 766: Variable Selection, Model Validation, and Nonlinear Regression


13/18 to 5/10/2024
CS 727: Relational Database Implementation and Applications


13/18 to 5/10/2024
Spring B - Core Degree Courses
SCI 522: Public Engagement for Scientists


33/18 to 5/10/2024

(for deadlines, please check the academic calendar)

Spring A - PBA - Pathway Courses
ITM 705: Hardware & OS Foundations I53394101/08 to 03/08/2024
ITM 706: Hardware & OS Foundations II53395101/08 to 03/08/2024
ITM 707: Hardware & OS Foundations III53396101/08 to 03/08/2024
Spring A - Core Degree Courses
ITMO 565: Cloud: Infrastructure as a Service16435301/08 to 03/08/2024
ITMO 556: Introduction to Open Source Operating Systems53400301/08 to 03/08/2024
ITMD 513: Open Source Programming53399301/08 to 03/08/2024
Spring B - PBA - Pathway Courses
ITM 705: Hardware & OS Foundations I53614103/18 to 05/10/2024
ITM 706: Hardware & OS Foundations II53615103/18 to 05/10/2024
ITM 707: Hardware & OS Foundations III53616103/18 to 05/10/2024
Spring B - Post Pathway Courses
ITMD 504: Programming and Application Foundations53617303/18 to 05/10/2024
ITMO 540: Introduction to Data Networks and the Internet53618303/18 to 05/10/2024
Spring B - Core Degree Courses
ITMO 554: Operating System Virtualization53403303/18 to 05/10/2024
ITMO 544: Cloud Computing Technologies53401303/18 to 05/10/2024

(for deadlines, please check the academic calendar)

Spring A - PBA - Pathway Courses
ITM 701: Intro to OS and Hardware 1a53416101/08 to 03/08/2024
ITM 702: Intro to OS and Hardware 1b53392101/08 to 03/08/2024
ITM 703: Intro to OS and Hardware 1c53393101/08 to 03/08/2024
Spring A - Post Pathway Courses
ITM 313: Introduction to Open Source Application Development53484301/08 to 03/08/2024
Spring A - Core Degree Courses
ITMO 356: Introduction to Open Source Operating Systems53417301/08 to 03/08/2024
ITMD 361: Fundamentals of Web Development53397301/08 to 03/08/2024
ITMD 413: Open Source Programming53398301/08 to 03/08/2024
Spring B - PBA - Pathway Courses
ITM 701: Intro to OS and Hardware 1a5360813/18 to 5/10/2024
ITM 702: Intro to OS and Hardware 1b5361213/18 to 5/10/2024
ITM 703: Intro to OS and Hardware 1c5361313/18 to 5/10/2024
Spring B - Post Pathway Courses
ITM 313: Introduction to Open Source Application Development5361133/18 to 5/10/2024
ITMO 340: Introduction to Data Networks and the Internet5363433/18 to 5/10/2024
Spring B - Core Degree Courses
ITMO 444: Cloud Computing Technologies5340233/18 to 5/10/2024