Student Resources

ELS Student Guide

The English Language Services Student Guide, below, documents the various policies and procedures of English Language Services as well as the rights and privileges of students within the department. This guide includes items relevant to students within the department, in addition to offering knowledge about services that help those students. All items are in addition to policies published in student handbooks put forth by Illinois Institute of Technology. Wherein a policy is omitted in this guide, our department defaults to the university’s policy. For the most up-to-date ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳ policies and procedures, please visit the , which may require logging into the .

SPEAK Conversation Group at ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳

SPEAK is a free weekly conversation group hosted by English Language Services. The goal is to give you an opportunity to chat with international and domestic students, staff, and faculty. It is an excellent way to meet new people, learn something about different cultures, and practice your speaking skills. No fees, no homework, no grading, no stress—just sharing your opinions, ideas, and cultures.

During the Spring 2025 semester, SPEAK will take place each Thursday, January 30–April 10 (except for March 20) at 12:50–1:40 p.m. We meet in the Galvin Tower, 6th floor lunch area. Please register weekly (by 1 p.m. each Wednesday).

See below for specific dates and topics:

January 30Social (getting to know each other activities) 
February 6Pop culture
February 13Education and careers
February 20Games
February 27Famous and influential people
March 6 Food
March 13Food Traveling / Staycations
March 27Technology - the good and the bad 
April 3Managing stress / Tips for final exams and projects
April 10Games

Questions? Contact us at els@iit.edu


The English Language Program has compiled the list below of English language instructors who offer private tutoring for a fee. All instructors hold the equivalent of at least a master’s degree or higher in TESOL/TEFL/Linguistics or a closely related field.

The standard fee in the field for private tutoring for English language skills ranges from $50 to $100 per hourDiscount rates are sometimes available for purchasing multiple hours or for small group tutoring. All negotiations and transactions are at the discretion of the instructor.

It is important to note the following:

  • If you are interested in being tutored in English language skills, please contact the instructor below using their personal email address listed.
  • Instructors are NOT allowed to tutor current students in their classes. They may tutor past students or students in classes they are NOT currently teaching.
  • Tutoring should be arranged at a public location on or off campus agreed upon by both instructor and student.
Instructor NameEmailAvailable to Tutor for...
Barbara (Basia) Krupa-Ryanbasiakrupa76@gmail.comEditing/Proofreading Writing, Reading, Writing, Speaking/Pronunciation, Grammar
Judy Sloanejmsloane@comcast.netEditing/Proofreading Writing, Reading, Writing, Speaking/Pronunciation, Listening, Grammar

Online Resources

The faculty and staff of English Language Services have compiled a list of online resources for English language learners, including websites to help you practice listening, timed reading, pronunciation, and more. View our guide to online resources, below.

Questions? Contact us at els@iit.edu