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Surface Compression Using A Multiresolution Spline Method
SpeakerProfessor Larry SchumakerDepartment of Mathematics and Center for Constructive Approximation, Vanderbilt University Description Abstract The standard...
Transitive Systems with Zero Sequence Entropy and Sequence Entropy Pairs
Description Abstract A measure-preserving transformation (resp. a topological system) is null if the metric (resp. topological) sequence entropy is zero for any sequence. Kushnirenko showed that an...
From Discrepancy to Declustering:Near-optimal multidimensional declustering strategies for range queries
Description Abstract With improvements in computer processing speed and storage capabilities, disk I/O (input/output) has become the bottleneck for many modern data-intensive applications. As such...
Equitably k-Choosable Graphs
Speaker Michael Pelsmajer Department of Mathematics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Abstract A proper coloring of a graph G assigns colors to the...
Dynamics of a Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Model
Description Abstract In this talk the coupled atmosphere-ocean (CAO) system is considered. First, we show that the coupled atmosphere-ocean system is stable under the external fluctuation in the...
Some New Results on Pseudo-random Arrays
Abstract Arrays whose two-dimensional auto-correlation functions have desirable correlation properties have found applications in spectrometry, acoustics, and cryptography for encrypting two...