
Human Resources

E.5 Drug-Free Workplace / Substance Abuse Prevention

Policy No. E. 5.00

Date of Issue 05/2016

In compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free School and Campuses Act enacted by Congress in 1989, the university hereby affirms its commitment to prohibiting the use of illegal drugs in the workplace and to creating a campus environment that is free of drug and alcohol abuse. The university鈥檚 official Policy on Drugs and Alcohol is at the following link:  (the 鈥淧olicy鈥), and the terms of such Policy are hereby incorporated. This policy applies to all employees employed by the university, including work-study students, and compliance with it is a condition of continued employment. The following is intended to summarize and supplement the Policy. In the event of any conflict between these provisions and the Policy, those of the Policy shall control.

The manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, use or presence in the body system of controlled substances and illegal drugs is prohibited under federal law (excepting only the taking of a prescribed drug under the direction of a licensed physician, and only to the extent it does not impair job performance or threaten safety, health, security or property) at any time during the hours between the beginning and end of the employee's work day, including rest periods and lunch periods, on university business, or on the university premises. A description of the penalties which may be imposed for the violation of federal drug laws is available in Human Resources.

Illinois law prohibits the unlawful manufacture, possession, use or distribution of marijuana and controlled substances, including narcotics, barbiturates and cocaine. Violation of state law may result in arrest and conviction on charges of misdemeanor or felony offense. An individual so convicted may be fined and/or imprisoned in accordance with the specifics of the offense.


The university has a comprehensive drug-free awareness program to inform employees and students about the dangers of drug and alcohol use and assist them in obtaining counseling and treatment which includes:

  1. Regular education through information presented at new student and employee orientation programs;
  2. Availability of the Employee Assistance Program to all employees for referral for treatment;
  3. Availability of the Health and Wellness Center to all students for counseling and/or referral for treatment;
  4. Educational programs for students and employees sponsored by the Health and Wellness Center including forums, dissemination of educational materials and awareness periods (e.g., Alcohol Awareness Week); and
  5. Other programs and publications as needed.


All employees are encouraged to utilize the above services for information or assistance regarding drug or alcohol use. Students are encouraged to contact the offices of Student Affairs on Main Campus or the Dean of Students on Downtown Campus or the Health and Wellness Center for information or assistance regarding drug or alcohol use. If an employee suspects a fellow employee or student is involved in illegal drug or alcohol use, encourage him/her to seek assistance from the appropriate office.


Individuals who use illegal drugs or abuse alcohol risk adverse physical and psychological effects. In general, such individuals may suffer from illnesses and are less productive, less reliable and more prone to accidents and absenteeism.


All employees are required, as a condition of employment, to notify the university of any criminal conviction for drug abuse occurring in the workplace no later than five days after such conviction. The university is required by law to notify the sponsoring agency if the conviction occurs in a workplace supported by a federal grant or contract. The university will notify the sponsoring agency within ten days after receiving notice from the employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. The university will also notify the sponsoring agency within 30 days of any action taken regarding the conviction.


An employee suspected of violating the university's drug abuse policy or who is convicted of a violation of a federal or state criminal drug statute which occurs in the workplace, is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination from employment, in accordance with university policy.


The university is committed to full implementation of this policy designed to ensure a drug-free workplace and reserves the right to engage in any other lawful measures, deemed appropriate in its judgment, to achieve this end.


Off-the-job illegal drug use that adversely affects an employee's job performance or could jeopardize the safety of other employees, the public, or university equipment is proper cause for disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.


Employees on the university premises under the influence of intoxicants, including alcohol, to the extent that job performance is adversely affected, will not be permitted to work on that day, and will be subject to similar disciplinary action.


The possession or use of alcohol by and the dispensation or distribution of alcohol to any individual under the age of 21 years is prohibited on university property or during any of its activities. The sale or distribution of alcohol to or possession by persons under the age of 21 is also prohibited by state law. A person who violates this law may be charged with a misdemeanor offense and punished accordingly.