Aziz Asphahani
Chairman and CEO
QuesTek Innovations LLC
James J. Grudzinski (M.S. MAE ’96, Ph.D. MAE ’12)
Physical Sciences and Engineering Directorate Operations Officer
Argonne National Laboratory
Thomas Kozmel (MSE ’11, Ph.D. MSE ’15)
Director of Applications and Development
QuesTek Innovations LLC
Jacob B. Lopata (AE ’96)
Chief Technical Officer
Tehiru Space
Lisa Marszalek-Wright (AE ’01)
Manager of Engineering
Envoy Air
David McShane
Executive Vice President of Corporate Partnerships
Autotech Ventures
Paul Micheli (ME)
Product Development and Engineering Manufacturing Manager
Michael W. Plesniak (ME ’83, M.S. ME ’84)
Professor and Chair, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
George Washington University
Milan Savic (BS ME ’90, ME MAE ’01)
Sr. Director, Engineering
Zebra Technologies Corporation
Tom I-P. Shih
Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Purdue University