Hochsprung Scholarship Started
Ron Hochsprung (CS '72) and his wife Lynda Bowlin have donated $100,000 to establish the Hochsprung Scholarship in Computer Science ($75,000) and the Computer Science Students' Fund ($25,000). In...
Ron Hochsprung (CS '72) and his wife Lynda Bowlin have donated $100,000 to establish the Hochsprung Scholarship in Computer Science ($75,000) and the Computer Science Students' Fund ($25,000). In...
A research team led by Professor Shlomo Argamon has been awarded a multi-year contract by the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), administered by the U.S. Army Research...
Generous support from the Martin and Mary Kilpatrick Lecture endowment helped the chemistry division to have an extremely successful Kilpatrick Lecture in Fall 2011, attracting 300 attendees from...
IIT student scores have been released for the 2011 William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition. The competition is an annual team mathematics contest sponsored by the Mathematical Association of...
Anita Thomas, (AMAT 3rd year) will give a presentation at the Infinite Possibilities Conference, March 30-31 at the University of Maryland Baltimore County. She will present her research, "Sampling...
Eda Gjergo and Barrett Leslie, undergraduate students in IIT's applied mathematics program, won second and third place at the 2012 Undergraduate Research Day Awards. Gjergo won second place for...
Xingye Kan (Ph.D. candidate, applied mathematics) has accepted a two-year postdoctoral position at the National Science Foundation-funded Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) at the...
Qi Ye, Ph.D. candidate in applied mathematics, has accepted a two-year Philip T. Church postdoctoral position in the department of mathematics at Syracuse University, where he will be teaching and...
Fred J. Hickernell, chair and professor of applied mathematics, gave a plenary lecture at the Tenth International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing...
Assistant Professor of Computer Science Ioan Raicu served as co-chair of the 4th ACM Workshop on Many-Task Computing on Grids and Supercomputers (MTAGS) 2011, along with Ian Foster (University of...