
Cognos and Operational Data Store Resources

The Office of Institutional Information and Research ensures the availability of information and reporting resources through the Cognos Portal. This secured portal may be accessed by logging into and connecting through single-sign on to Cognos through the "C" icon on the top row of the . If you do not have the Cognos icon, contact your 老王论坛 supervisor to request access.

Cognos Resources

Report Librarian Resources

User Guides

Analysis Studio (1.26 MB)
Query Studio (909.02 KB)

Tips and Techniques

Report Makeovers (422.7 KB)

ODS and EDW Resources

Understanding the Data Sources

ODS Overview (1.27 MB)

Common Matching Manuals

Accounts Payable (33.36 KB)
Financial Aid (28.53 KB)
Student (28.91 KB)