
Resources for Ethics in Research

Responsible Conduct of Research - Teaching Resources

RCR Library Guide
  • Here is a of resources faculty may use when teaching RCR to their students.
  • For help locating materials or ideas for integrating discussions about ethical topics into your research group, please contact the Ethics Center Librarian, Kelly Laas, at laas@iit.edu.
Research and Data Integrity (ReaDI) Program- Columbia University
  • The program includes a wealth of resources applicable to all research teams. Browse resources by stages of the research lifecycle or discipline-specific categories. Resources are available for all researchers (not limited to Columbia University).
Galvin Library- Research Tools
  • Maintained by the Galvin Library. for responsible and ethical research practices.
Research Misconduct Book

"Agreement Compacts" for Working in a Research Laboratory

  • Here is a of research mentoring compacts (agreements) from a variety of sources. A written agreement can prevent many problems. Feel free to adopt these research mentoring compacts to suit your situation!

People at IIT Who Can Help With Research Ethics

  • , csep@iit.edu or 312.567.3017
  • Indika Edirisinghe, Chair of Institutional Review Board for Protection of Human Subjects, iediris@iit.edu or 708.563.8178
  • Todd Diel, Chair of Institutional Biosafety Committee, diel@iit.edu or 312.567.5059

Outside Resources for Ethics

  • (US Dept. of Health and Human Services)
  • , from the National Academy of Engineering; contains materials on a multitude of subjects for all disciplines funded by NSF.
  • , Department of Chemistry, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA.
  • , Columbia University