Alumni Technology Access

Congratulations to our alumni, and soon-to-be alumni, on completing your studies at ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳! To help with your post-commencement transition, the Office of Technology Services (OTS) has created this guide to the software and services that will (and won’t) be available to you after you graduate, including important information about your Google Workspace and M365 accounts, and the action items we recommend you do or understand before you graduate. Note: With the Google to Microsoft transition please refer to this site for changes.


While you can retain your student email address for life, most of the applications that require students to sign in with their university email and password will expire after graduation—either right away or after a 12-month grace period. Access to university email system will stop after the 12 month period after which your hawk.iit.edu or hawk.illinoistech.edu email will be forwarded to a personal account via a opt-in process. Applications that use storage, namely Google Workspace and M365, will require you to move files if you want to retain them. See a summary of actions you need to take below, or scroll to the bottom to see lists of technology you can and cannot access after graduation.

Technology access will fall into one of three categories:

  1. Always access: Technology you can access indefinitely
  2. Access ONLY for 12 months: Technology you can access in a 12-month grace period following graduation
  3. Lose access upon graduation: Technology you can no longer access upon graduation

Here are a few key items you need to do and be aware of as you transition from being a student to being an alumna/alumnus.

  • You will not have any access to your Microsoft365 accounts after the 12 month grace period after graduation due to Microsoft’s licensing restrictions. Please transfer anything meaningful from OneDrive that you wish to keep before you lose access. Learn more below:
  • Email address for life. You may retain your student email address for life. 
  • Access to email system: The access to the email system will be terminated after 12 month grace period. 
  • Set up email forwarding 
    • If you want to continue receive emails from hawk.iit.edu or hawk.illinoistech.edu account after the 12 month grace period, please set up email forwarding by submitting this . 
  • TechCash
    • Any remaining TechCash funds can still be used within 12 months after graduation.
  • W2s for Student Employees
    • If you are actively employed at ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳, you will be able to access your electronic pay stubs, W2s, and other employment and financial information through the ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳ portal.
    • Once you are no longer working for the university, you will no longer be able to access your W2 through the university’s systems; instead your W2 will be mailed to you. Please make sure your permanent address is up to date in your Student Dashboard before you graduate. If you need an additional W2, email hr@iit.edu.
  • During the 12-month grace period (only), you will continue to have access to your official and unofficial transcripts through the Access ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳ Student Dashboard.
  • If you would like to keep a copy of your unofficial transcript, please make a PDF of it prior to graduating. You will not be able to access Banner Self-Service after the 12 month grace period.
  • To order an official transcript after the 12- month grace period following commencement, you can create a new account on ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳'s "Parchment page" via the Registrar’s Office website.
  • Many university buildings are open to the public during the day, while others require a student ID card. Your ID card will not work for accessing buildings requiring student identification after you graduate. The exception to this is Chicago-Kent College of Law students, who will retain access to the Conviser Law Center through the first Monday in August, due to building access needed leading up to Bar examinations.

Read below to see lists of the specific software and services that may impact you grouped by three access categories, technology you can:

  1. Always Access: Technology you can access indefinitely
  2. Access ONLY for 12 months: Technology you can access in a 12-month grace period following graduation
  3. Lose access upon graduation: Technology you can no longer access upon graduation

Access You Have Indefinitely as an Alumna/Alumnus

The applications below will continue to be available to alumni beyond their graduation:

Application or DocumentType of AlumniDescriptionHow/Where to Access After 12 Months
EmailAll alumniUniversity-provided email address.After 12 months emails from hawk.iit.edu or hawk.illinoistech.edu will be forwarded via an opt-in process to a personal account.
HandshakeAll alumniUniversity’s job board service for employers and alumni job-seekers.Reset your Handshake password. See more information on this page of the Career Services website.
(International Student and Scholar Services) PortalOPT/STEM OPT students/alumniUsed for immigration-compliance reporting.A password reset will be required to convert your current ISSS account. Instructions will be sent by email from the International Center within a month after graduation.
Official transcriptsAll alumniThe way to order school records for up to 12 months after graduation (i.e. Banner Self-Service under the Student dashboard via Access ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳.)If needed, order official transcripts through ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳'s Parchment page. You will need to make a new Parchment account. See more information on the Transcripts page of the Registrar’s website.
Alumni who had an on-campus jobW2s are student employee tax formsIf you were employed by the university (e.g., had an on-campus job), HR will mail a W2 to your permanent address. (Make sure your permanent address is updated in your student dashboard before you graduate.) If you need an additional W2, email HR at hr@iit.edu.
Form 1098-T (tax form)Alumni who paid qualified educational expenses in the previous tax yearForm 1098-T is a tuition tax statement that colleges and universities are required to issue to students who paid "qualified educational expenses" in the preceding tax year

After 12 months, or if you did not opt for electronic delivery, you can access Form 1098-T via the Educational Computer Systems, Inc. (ECSI) website. See more information on the Student Accounting Website.

(If you opted to have your 1098-T delivered electronically, you can find it in the portal under the 'Manage My Account' Tool within the 12 months following graduation.)

Library resourcesAll alumniGeneral library resourcesAlumni have standard guest services. See more information on the .

Application Access Available for 12 Months Following Graduation

To assist you with your transition to ‘the real world,’ you will retain full access to a handful of applications for a period of 12 months. Please see the table below to see the applications to which you will have access for 12 months after you graduate and the action you must take, if any, before the 12 months are up.

Application or DocumentDescriptionAction to Take Within 12 Months of Graduating
Google WorkspaceGoogle Email, Drive, Photos, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Sites, etc. -- anything with storageNote: With the Google to Microsoft transition please refer to this site for changes.

You must transfer any content you wish to keep (including files in Google Drive and Google Photos).
M365 / OneDriveMicrosoft Email, drive/document storageNo access after 12 months.

You must transfer any content you wish to keep.
PapercutOn-campus printing applicationNo access after 12 months.

Free printing will be set to $0 at the start of the next term, and any amount you loaded will be available within the 12-month grace period.
TechCash (on your MyHawk Card)Campus-card program in which you can store funds for on-campus spendingNo access after 12 months.

Use up any remaining funds in your TechCash account.
Manage My AccountStudent Accounting portalNo access after 12 months.
IIT AlertCampus security alert systemNo access/alerts after 12 months.

You can unsubscribe if you don't want alerts.
Unofficial transcripts (via Banner Self-Service)Unofficial transcripts can be accessed via Access ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳, Banner Self-Service, under "Student." Make a PDF copy before you graduate.No self-service access after 12 months.

Contact the Registrar if you need a copy of your unofficial transcript beyond 12 months from graduation.
Access ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳ dashboard appsApplications hosted on Access ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳No access after 12 months.
ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳ PortalApplications hosted on the ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳ portalNo access after 12 months.

Download any information needed.
BlackboardWeb-based learning management platformNo access after 12 months.
Wi-FiWireless Internet on campusNo access after 12 months.
VPNVirtual private network for secure Internet accessNo access after 12 months.
Banner Self-Service 9Banner Self-Service dashboard and personal information hubNo access after 12 months.
My ParkingCampus parking appNo access after 12 months.

Access You Will Lose Immediately Upon Graduation

Many student-specific applications cannot be accessed after you graduate. For example, the following applications are intended for currently-enrolled students only and will not be available to you as alumni:

  • Apporto (virtual computer lab - VCL)
  • InterLibrary loan (MyILL)
  • Elevate (virtual student engagement center)
  • Wireless Internet Device Registration
  • StarRez Housing Portal
  • Suitable (student organization platform)
  • Zoom

Please note that this is only a partial—not a comprehensive—list of relevant applications.

Do You Need Help With Application Access?

If you are having issues accessing any of the above-mentioned applications within the permissible time frames, please contact the OTS Support Desk at supportdesk@iit.edu.