Raj Echambadi
Galvin Tower, Suite 1900
Phone: 312.567.5199
Fax: 312.567.7018
Jamshid Mohammadi
Interim Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Galvin Tower, Suite 1900
Phone: 312.567.3163
Email: provost@iit.edu
Assistant to the Provost
Antoinette Monroe
Phone: 312.567.3560
Email: monroe@iit.edu
Jeremy V. Fine
Vice President for Finance, Chief Financial Officer, and Treasurer
Galvin Tower, Suite 1900
Phone: 312.567.3825
Email: jfine3@iit.edu
Virginia Foster
Associate Vice President of HEA Compliance and Title IX Compliance Coordinator
Galvin Tower, Room 2D7-1
Phone: 312.567.5725
Fax: 312.567.5760
Email: foster@iit.edu
Usha Gilmore
Assistant Vice President and Athletics Director
Keating Hall, 3430 S. Wabash
Phone: 312.567.3299
Fax: 312.567.7133
Email: ugilmore@iit.edu
Roz Hosea
Compliance Coordinator/Student Services
Phone: 312.567.3242
Fax: 312.567.7133
Email: rhosea1@iit.edu
Jess Goode
Chief of Staff and Vice President for Strategy
Galvin Tower, Suite 1900
Phone: 312.567.3970
Email: jgoode1@iit.edu
Darla Ware
Phone: 312.567.5777
Email: ware@iit.edu
Walter Hazlitt
Vice President and General Counsel
Galvin Tower, Suite 1900
Phone: 312.567.3670
Fax: 312.567.6931
Email: whazlitt@iit.edu
Jessie Smith
Phone: 312.567.3006
Email: jsmith89@iit.edu
Amit Thomas
Vice President for Human Resources and Talent Development
Phone: 312.567.3225
Fax: 312.567.3450
Email: athomas18@iit.edu
Human Resources Assistant
Jacqueline Perez
Email: jperez81@iit.edu
Sean Campbell
Vice President for Advancement
Phone: 312.567.5045
Fax: 312.567.5001
Email: scampbell4@illinoistech.edu
Yolanda Hernandez
Phone: 312.567.5022
Email: yhernan3@iit.edu
Marsha Ross-Jackson
University Ombudsperson
565 W. Adams St., Room 807
Phone: 312.906.5346
Email: universityombudsperson@iit.edu
Mallik Sundharam
Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs
Galvin Tower, Suite 1900
Phone: 312.567.3171
Email: msundharam@iit.edu
Darla Ware
Phone: 312.567.5777
Email: ware@iit.edu
Bruce Watts
Vice President for Administration
Galvin Tower, Room 19F7-1
Phone: 312.567.3253
Fax: 312.567.6931
Email: bwatts1@iit.edu
Kraig Goddard
Phone: 312.567.3813
Email: kgoddard@iit.edu