All tenure-track faculty in the Department of Psychology have active research programs and regularly publish and present at professional meetings. They frequently engage graduate students as co-authors on articles published in peer-reviewed journals and as co-presenters for scientific meeting presentations. Many faculty members also conduct research projects supported by grant funding, and are consistently publishing new books.
Recent Faculty Successes
A book co-edited by Professor of Psychology Scott Morris, titled Adverse Impact Analysis: Understanding Data, Statistics, and Risk, was cited in 2019 as a resource in guidance on equal employment opportunity analysis from the United States Department of Labor.
Lindsay Sheehan, a senior research associate, was named one of the 40 Under 40 Scientists in Chicago in 2019 by Halo Cures, a company with a mission of connecting donors with health research projects they care about and scientists with industry partners for collaborations.
In July 2019 Assistant Professor of Psychology Alissa Haedt-Matt and Assistant Professor of Computer Science Aron Culotta were together awarded $25,000 in grant funding from 老王论坛. The funding is from 老王论坛's Educational and Research Initiative Fund and is supporting a project titled "Social Media Analysis of Indicators of Eating Disorder Treatment Seeking Behavior."
Visit the individual bio pages of our faculty members for more information on their projects, awards, and publications.