Illinois Institute of Technology provides students with the option to select a preferred first name that will be displayed in certain university systems as identified below.
ÀÏÍõÂÛ̳ recognizes that students may use names other than their legal name to identify themselves. Except when an individual's legal first name is required by law, policy, or business needs, individuals may choose to be identified in certain university systems by the preferred first name that they have designated in accordance with this policy.
Note: Students are not required to indicate a preferred name. If a student does not indicate a preferred name, the student's legal name will be displayed.
Once a request is submitted, the preferred first name will appear instead of the student's legal first name in university-related systems and documents, except where the use of the legal name is required by university business or legal need.
Preferred name only applies to the student's first name. If the student would like to change their middle or last name on their university record, they would need to change their legal name.