For Supervisors and Approvers
Recruiting Students: | Handshake is a modern platform for all on-campus and experiential learning student hiring |
This template is useful for drafting a position and collaborating with colleagues prior to posting the job in Handshake | |
*May need to download to print correctly. |
Printable template of common interview questions and a spreadsheet to track logistics (major, schedule, year, FWS/non-FWS, etc.) |
Email Templates
| Templates for emailing student applicants |
Recommended hourly pay grades based on student experience levels | |
Step-by-step EPAF directions | |
Use this form for: supervisor change, pay rate change, or terminations. | |
Video walk-through of completing a Termination PA for student employee. (Paper PA required below.) | |
Timesheet manual | |
Printable example of work agreement between office and student (customizable) | |
Checklist of policies and useful information to go over during the first week of work/training | |
(Paper Timesheet) |
Use this form to revise timesheets and for late submissions; submit to PAYROLL once complete. This paper form should not be the primary submission method, and should only be used for adjustments and late submissions. Managers are responsible for ensuring that students submit their time electronically through the portal Employee Dashboard on-time. |
Use to request that students work over the maximum for a limited period of time Students holding F-1 or J-1 visas are permitted by law to work on campus a maximum of 20 hours per week while school is in session. Therefore, permission will not be granted to allow these students to work in excess of the maximum allowed by law. | |
Printable form outlining student employee infractions. Use to document, communicate and correct on-the-job performance issues after a verbal warning | |
Performance evaluations to be completed at the conclusion of each semester. | |
Job Offer Letter Form for SSN | This form is completed by supervisors when international students need a social security card, and in other special hiring circumstances. Please DO NOT copy and paste into the form fields. This is causing an error when generating the offer letter. Type all information into the form. Job Description: Please limit your answer to one (1) or two (2) sentences. Maximum 255 characters. The job offer letter is required by the Social Security Administration to apply for a SSN. |
For Community Service Partners Hiring: Federal Work-Study students only | |
A template to assist departments in managing their Federal Work-Study student employee budgets | |
Stipend Deadlines 2017-2018 | Pay date and entry deadlines for stipend students (TAs, RAs, GAs) for the current Academic Year |
Management Resources: |
Useful Internal Websites for Supervisors and Approvers
Federal Work-Study
Payroll Forms
Payroll Calendars and Deadlines
For Offsite Employers (Employment Verification)
To request Employment Verification for students who were employed by 老王论坛 (on-campus job, etc.), complete this (Request can only be made by employer)
Useful External Websites