
Humanities and Social Sciences

General Education Requirements
Humanities and Social Sciences

IIT & BU - Joint Program Agreement
(See the current Benedictine University Undergraduate catalog)

  1. WRIT 1101 and WRIT 1102 – 6 semester hours, or student may pass HNRS 190 and HNRS 191.
  2. COMM 1110 – 3 semester hours, or student may pass HNRS 191, or demonstrate proficiency by examination
  3. Interdisciplinary Seminars – 6 semester hours
    1. Catholic/Benedictine Intellectual Traditions  – 3 semester hours
    2. Human Dignity/Common Good – 3 semester hours
  4. Mode of Inquiry Electives – Courses are designated in the current Benedictine University catalog and course schedule.
      1. Arts and Humanities – 15 semester hours
        1. Theological/Religious Mode of Inquiry – 3 semester hours
          Choose from RELS 2120, 2130, 2285.
        2. Philosophical Mode of Inquiry – 3 semester hours
          Choose any Philosophy course labeled with a “QPL” in the Benedictine University catalog.
        3. Historical Mode of Inquiry – 3 semester hours
          Choose any History course labeled with a “QHT” in the Benedictine University catalog.
        4. Literary and Rhetorical Mode of Inquiry – 3 semester hours
          Choose any Literary course labeled with a “QLR” in the Benedictine University catalog except COMM 200.
        5. Artistic and Creative Mode of Inquiry – 3 semester hours
          Choose from COMM 2250, 2251, FNAR 1100, 2203, 2204, 2205, 2206, HNRS 2294, MUSI 1104, 1105, 1106.
      2. Life-Scientific Mode of Inquiry – 3 semester hours
      3. Social Sciences – 6 semester hours
        1. Social-Scientific I: Individuals, Organizations, and Societies Mode of Inquiry - 3 semester hours
          Choose any Social Science course labeled with a “QIO” in the Benedictine University catalog except FINA 1120 or 2220.
        2. Social-Scientific II: Political, Global, and Economic Systems Mode of Inquiry – 3 semester hours
          Choose any Social Science course labeled with a “QPE” in the Benedictine University catalog.

Updated - July 2022