Laboratory / Workshop Users

Anyone who is entering a lab/workshop unescorted would be a laboratory user. Laboratory user responsibilities are: 

  • To be aware of the hazards in the area he or she is around or working with; and handle those hazards in a safe manner; 
  • Observe environmental, health and safety related signs, posters, warning signals and written directions; • Use personal protective equipment and engineering controls (e.g., fume hood) appropriate to the work; 
  • Properly label all chemical containers and provide secondary spill containment for all hazardous liquid chemicals; 
  •  Curtail or stop work if the work can possibly pose and imminent danger to health or safety, and immediately notify a supervisor in the chain of authority over the work; 
  • Warn co-workers about defective equipment and other hazards; 
  •  Be aware of location of safety equipment such as fire extinguishers, eyewashes, safety showers; • Develop good safety practices and habits; 
  • Undertake operations in accordance with the laboratory/workshop approved procedures; 
  •  Practice good housekeeping; 
  • Report unsafe conditions to the Principal Investigator, Instructor, Department Safety Officer, Laboratory Safety Coordinator, Chair or Department of Environmental Health and Safety; 
  •  Complete required safety training; 
  • Be familiar with the Emergency Plan, and the emergency assembly area for their building, and participate in emergency drills; and 
  • Inform visitors entering his or her laboratory/workshop of potential hazards and appropriate safety rules and precautions