
Responsible Person, instructor, Principal Investigators

Each laboratory/workshop space may have assigned to it one or more Responsible Person. The duties of the Responsible Person include the following: 

  • Creating a written list identifying the Hazards in their laboratory/workshop and provide it to the Department Safety Officer in advance of performing work; 
  • Attain approval from the Institutional Biosafety Committee when procedures require the use of Biological Hazards; 
  • Attain approval from the Radiation Safety Committee for procedures involving radiation; 
  •  Developing a Standard Operating Procedure for all hazardous chemicals and related equipment processes, and obtain approval for such procedure from the Department of Environmental Health and Safety; 
  •  Reviewing at least annually the relevant Chemical Hygiene Plan, if applicable; 
  •  In consultation as appropriate with the Laboratory Safety Coordinator and/or Department Safety Officer, developing as necessary written reference materials, based upon their expertise, defining proper and safe Work Practice Controls, which necessarily should include identifying and avoiding unsafe practices as well; 
  • With respect to Instructors using Instructional Laboratories/workshops as part of their curriculum, instructing Students concerning the Hazards posed by working in that laboratory space or workshop: 
    • an Instructor may delegate this responsibility to a qualified teaching assistant or staff person, but the Instructor is ultimately responsible for verifying that such instruction was in fact completed; and 
    • verification may occur through the filing of an Safety Verification Form, attached here as Appendix B, signed by the Instructor. 
  •  Identifying and documenting, Laboratory/workshop Users who received safety instruction and who are thereby permitted to work in the relevant laboratory space or workshop; 
  • Ensuring that Work Practice Controls are observed in the laboratory space; 
  • Denying access to individuals who did not participate in required safety instruction, or who have demonstrated a lack of understanding of, or an inability to follow, Work Practice Controls; 
  • Maintaining their respective laboratory or workshop space in safe operating condition; 
  • Submit a Safety Policy Variance Request to the Chair or Department Head if reasonable acceptations must be made to Safety Policies; and 
  • Supplying and/or requiring the use of Personal Protective Equipment, as necessary.