The following is a list of the faculty affiliates across the university and their current research in issues related to energy and sustainability. A number of research centers are also conducting research programs in these areas.
Armour College of Engineering
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Javad Abbasian: carbon capture, process design, gasification processes
- Hamid Arastoopour: natural gas, carbon capture, renewable energy, urban farming, CFD apps. in energy processes
- Mohammad Asadi: energy conversion (CO2 reduction, water splitting); energy storage (metal-ion, metal-air batteries)
- Donald Chmielewski: power system modeling, design, control; smart grid coordinated chemical systems; economics
- Ali Cinar: energy system modeling, supervision, and control; human energy systems
- Sameh Elsaidi: porous materials, membranes, carbon capture, nuclear waste management, sustainable energy
- Sohail Murad: water desalination; redox flow batteries; long-duration energy storage; phase-change materials
- Satish Parulekar: bioenergy; reaction engineering
- J. Robert Selman: batteries and fuel cells
- Fouad Teymour: bioenergy, production of fuels from algae, kinetic hydroponic
- Bipin Vora: catalytic dehydrogenation, detergent alkylation, methanol to olefins, motor fuel HF alkylation, refining
- Darsh Wasan: interfacial and film rheology, enhanced oil recovery
Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
- Paul Anderson: water and wastewater; resource recovery; water quality modeling
- David Arditi: construction management; life cycle costing; IT in building design; optimized sustainable design
- Edoarda Corradi Dell'Acqua: design integration; zero-energy building design; high-performance building design
- David Lampert: energy and water sustainability; contaminant fate/transport; hydrology; water quality modeling
- Zongzhi Li: vehicle fuel consumption, vehicle crashes, vehicle noise pollution, vehicle air emissions; traffic congestion
- Mehdi Modares: structural dynamics; damage detection of wind turbine structures
- Jamshid Mohammadi: system reliability; prob. methods; performance-based design; network/failure analyses
- Ivan Mutis: technologies for sustainable construction; construction informatics
- Kenneth Noll: characterize. of atmospheric carbon emissions; modeling transport/fate of atmospheric contaminants
- Brent Stephens: built environment; sustainable buildings; building science; indoor air quality; human exposure
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Lin Cai: sustainable wireless communication system
- Alexander Flueck: power system stability and control
- Zuyi Li: renewable energy--power grid/microgrid/nanogrid integration, uncertainty management, electricity markets
- Jafar Saniie: image processing, statistical pattern recognition, neural networks, data compression
- Mohammad Shahidehpour: power engineering, grid / microgrid / nanogrid, renewable energy, electricity markets
- Qing-Chang Zhong: control, power electronics and power systems, microgrid
Department of Mechanical, Materials, and Aerospace Engineering
- Sumanta Acharya: gas turbine power gen.; hydrogen/biofuel combustion.; powerplant cooling; heat exchangers
- Kenneth Christensen: geologic CO2 sequestration; turbulence interactions with complex topography; flow-form feedbacks related to dune formation and evolution in desert environments; desertification processes
- Seebany Datta-Barua: navigation, remote sensing, atmospheric dynamics
- Carrie Hall: high-efficiency internal combustion engines; alternative fuels; advanced automotive powertrains
- Baisravan HomChaudhuri: energy mgmt. of hybrid elect. vehicles, connected vehicles, model predictive control
- Amir Mostafaei: energy-efficient, cost-effective production. of light-weight, high-temp. superalloys via adv. manufacturing.
- Philip Nash: materials processing
- Aleksandar Ostrogorsky: heat and mass transfer phenomena in materials processing
- Boris Pervan: navigation systems, autonomous vehicles, fault detection and isolation
- Francisco Ruiz: transportation; energy generation; thermodynamics; energy storage
- Leon Shaw: nanomaterials synthesis and processing; Li-ion, Na-ion, and redox flow batteries; supercapacitors
- Matthew Spenko: autonomous vehicle localization safety
Chicago-Kent College of Law
- : environmental law and policy
College of Architecture
- Narjes Abbasabadi: sustain. built env.; building/urban energy performance; multi-scale urban energy modeling
- Mahjoub Elnimeiri: sustainable built environment
- Frank Flury: sustainable built environment
- Ron Henderson: driverless and autonomous vehicles
- Eva Kultermann: energy efficient buildings, sustainable building materials
- Antony Wood: tall buildings, sustainable cities
College of Computing
Department of Applied Mathematics
- Fred J. Hickernell: Adaptive/Reliable Simulation; Computational Complexity; Monte Carlo Methods; Surrogate Models
- Lulu Kang: Statistical Methodologies
Department of Computer Science
- Matthew Bauer: computer programming
- Nik Sultana: distributed systems, datacenter networking, cybersecurity, mathematical modeling
Department of Industrial Technology and Management
- Blake Davis: urban agriculture; diurnal electrical energy storage; agricultural lighting; vert. farming; aquaponics
- Nancy Hamill Governale: sustainability and energy efficiency master plan for existing/new bldgs./communities
- Jeremy Hajek: drone batteries; solar- and battery-based computing
- Donatas Tijunelis: sustainability of critical materials
Lewis College of Science and Letters
Department of Biology
- Ben Stark: genetic engineering of bacteria; wastewater treatment; bacterial hemoglobin; bioethanol production
Department of Chemistry
- Adam Hock: solar energy conversion, catalysis, inorganic and organometallic synthesis, materials and vapor dep.
- M. Ishaque Khan: functional materials; energy storage, chem. sensors; ind. catalysis; env. decontamination
- Braja Mandal: batteries and supercapacitors for energy storage
- Yuanbing Mao: nanomaterials synthesis/properties, catalysis, energy storage/conversion, water remediation, solid-state lighting
Department of Physics
- Ali Khounsary: heat transfer, thermal management
- K谩roly N茅meth: materials design; functionalized 2D materials; functionalized hexagonal boron nitride cathodes; nitrogen-based charge storage; carbon dioxide battery
- Carlo Segre: Li-ion battery materials; flow batteries; fuel cells
- Jeff Terry: electronic structure, radiochemistry, radiation damage, multilayer structures, synchrotron radiation char.
Department of Psychology
- Eun-Jeong Lee: rehabilitation; community-based assistive tech.; electrified personal mobility; psych. adaptation
Department of Social Sciences
- Hao Huang: foreign direct investment and transboundary pollution; energy and society; inequality and poverty
- Jonathan Rosenberg: environmentally sustainable development; foreign aid and the global environment
- Ullica Segerstrale: societal impact of emerging technologies
- Matthew Shapiro clean energy policy; climate change-related communications; transboundary air pollution
Institute of Design
- Laura Forlano: urban informatics, driverless and autonomous transportation systems
- Carlos Teixeira: design strategy, open innovation, sustainable solutions
Stuart School of Business
- Weslynne Ashton: industrial ecology; circular economy; sustain. business strategy/performance; social entrepreneur
- Ghazale Haddadian: analytical models for economic and strategic operation of power systems
- Sang Baum Kang: energy finance; electricity market; crude oil market; real-option decisions under uncertainty
- Nasrin Khalili: sustainability design and decision-making science; sustainable operation and supply chain